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Top SEO Trends to Know About This Year

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a field that just doesn’t stop changing. When was the last time you heard Google’s algorithm change? Probably a few weeks or months before, right? But it’s understandable since Google has to direct its users to the most relevant pages possible.

But your story is different. You want to ensure that you don’t lag behind so your website can keep topping the SERPs regardless of the many changes Google’s algorithm goes through. If you’re an SEO specialist, you’ve got to read on some trends that will shape how SEO is done this year.

Yes, staying abreast of Google trends 24/7 isn’t easy. Therefore, we’ve outlined some key trends that’ll help you build your SEO strategy this year. Read on to find about them!

Google is still looking for original content

The role that content plays in ranking and SEO is tremendous—authentic content isn’t just crucial for branding, but for businesses as well. In simple words, original content is something unique, something that hasn’t been published yet.

If you want to create unique content, use materials like company milestones, customer testimonials, experiments, case studies, and a lot more. This wouldn’t just make your content authentic – something that Google adores, but will also build trust.

a digital marketing agency offering local SEO services in Phoenix

Artificial intelligence (AI) is coming into the equation

Developed by Google in 2018, BERT or Bidirectional Encoder Representations Transformers is a technique based on a neural network for pre-training of natural language processing (NLP). Simply put, it can assist Google in deciphering the words’ context in a search query.

In addition, it’s reported that around 37% of companies use AI. Since the AI industry is set to hit the $118 billion mark by 2025, the impact that the technology can have on SEO isn’t surprising.

If AI begins to power your business, you won’t just be able to augment your keyword search, but you’ll also optimize every digital platform, maximize link-building opportunities, and create more powerful content.

Voice search is becoming prevalent

“Google, where is the nearest McDonald’s?”

In 2017, there were 33 million voice searches. During March 2019, voice searches contributed to 20% of queries. With voice searches becoming more popular, more people will start typing search queries the way they speak.

What does this mean? Very specific, long-tail keywords will become very important. Currently, users are looking for an accurate answer, and to ensure this happens, they’ll ask a very specific question.

So, if a user in the consideration phase searches for a long-tail keyword, chances are, they’d convert. So, don’t forget to optimize your website for voice searches!

Turn to Kallen Media’s SEO services in Phoenix for an undeniable competitive edge

Kallen Media’s local SEO services in Phoenix stand apart by treating SEO as an influential marketing channel in its own right. Our process-driven, rigorous approach to SEO isn’t just putting our clients at an ‘unfair’ advantage but is leading the marketing industry like no other.

Contact us now for more information!

Web Design: a Basic Guide For Businesses

When it comes to web design, every designer has a different plan. Yes, there’s no standard checklist.

But it doesn’t matter what’s part of the plan as long as the website includes some basic elements.

From clear calls to action (CTAs) and search functionality to great images and plenty of whitespaces, certain elements lead to an excellent web design. (more…)

Will Content Marketing Overtake Advertising?

In essence, content marketing is about creating original, informative, and helpful content to introduce new leads to your brand. But you also are convincing people that you’re trustworthy. In contrast, you pay someone to do the advertising, and the ad is posted on a platform you don’t have ownership of. (more…)

Branding – Things You Should Know

When starting a business branding is essential. (more…)

Marketing Strategies For Non-Profits

Non-profit organizations are often strapped for cash and have limited marketing budgets, if any. Join Kallen media and learn all about marketing strategies for non-profits that we use every day! Here are some strategies non-profits can implement to cut through the noise and showcase their cause: (more…)

Digital Marketing Tools: Our Guide to Easier Advertising

In the world of online marketing, a marketing professional needs to be on top of a lot of moving parts to do their job. Consequently, digital marketing pros will find creative ways to manage their workload. This blog is all about how marketing agencies tackle problems like SEO, niche targeting, and even more. Welcome to the Kallen Media run down on digital marketing tools! 

First, we will give you a rundown on some of the popular web development tools we’re using to build brand image and develop e-commerce. But our work doesn’t end there; we will also tell you about some of the programs we use to drive traffic to websites. Lastly, we will let you in on how corporations make their social media headache-free. Because digital marketing is all online, the most accessible place to start is the tools we use to get businesses on the web.

Web Development Tools


Web development is a central focus for digital marketing. A company website isn’t just a storefront but also a living billboard for your brand. A well-made website with high-quality form and function can woo potential customers and instill confidence in your niche. The tools developers use to create sites are called APIs or content management programs. With a well-designed API, you can design a website that does anything you can imagine. Digital marketers use many different APIs, but here at Kallen Media, we trust WordPress the most.


WordPress is one of the easiest to use web development programs around. WordPress stands out for businesses on a budget with free use templates and features that reduce entry barriers like HTML knowledge. Because of all of this, WordPress is one of the most popular tools on the market! If you’re interested in WordPress, you can read our blogs that cover functions like this blog on a visual story plugin. Once you have a web presence, you will need other digital marketing tools to make sure it’s popular!

SEO and Content Creation


Everyone knows content creation and SEO management are vital to running a thriving website. But how exactly do people manage these tasks? The short answer is data analytics. If a company can collect and utilize their relevant web data, they can understand the patterns that bring people to their websites. Especially during the pandemic, data analytics is an important measure of how well you’re performing. Parsing through data and reacting to it is one of the best ways to improve your search engine rankings, making it easier to create content. At Kallen Media, we use an array of high-end big data resources, but one of the more accessible ones is SEMrush.

SEMrush is a data analytics tool designed specifically for digital marketing. The site can audit webpages to tell you where improvements can be made and give other tips for SEO tweaks to make your site’s rank soar. The website also has sections dedicated to content creation. SEMrush can inform you about relevant blog topics, a niche’s search patterns, and much more. With SEMrush, you can create content that will work directly toward your goals and monitor their progress. Data analytics is also valuable for social media, where planning and niche targeting are critical.

Social Media Management


Engaging with people on social media can be tricky. Additionally, the pressure of media engagement can make corporate SMM a daunting task. But with a plan and the right toolset, running a social media brand only requires time and dedication. A goal is critical because it will keep you on track to establishing a trusted brand. One essential tool for social media management is a content scheduler. 


Tools like Hootsuite and others allow you to collect all of your profiles and manage them from one place. They will also let you create better plans by scheduling content instead of randomly posting. Being able to see the entirety of your social media presence in one place will save you time and impact your decisions. Hootsuite also offers premium options to provide you with even more data analytics!

Digital Marketing Tools


Digital marketing is an ever-growing field where people have to keep up with fast-moving tech trends. And these marketing professionals need to maintain their effectiveness to compete. That’s why people use tools like data analytics and SEO to ensure their marketing plan stands out. Today we taught you about digital marketing tools that we use every day. Programs like SEMrush and WordPress directly affect our web content and quality of life tools like Hootsuite. 

But even if you have access to the best tools, you’ll need to practice and use them to become comfortable working with them. And not everyone has time to learn all of the things you need to for effective marketing. This learning curve is why Digital marketing agencies collect these tools and retain them for you. If you’re struggling with marketing online and want help, contact Kallen media today to quote our digital marketing services.

5 Tips for Developing a Brand: personal branding

These days, everything is about branding. Whether you’re an individual or a corporation, your brand is how you interact with your audience. In the business world, your branding’s effectiveness determines how your perception and your success. That’s why today we are going to bring you 5 Tips for Developing a Personal Brand!

Typically personal branding is optional when advertising. A great focus is put on branding corporations or businesses. But many consumers don’t focus on the overall effect of a brand; instead, they’re more concerned with the individuals, such as the employees they interact with.

For instance, a company’s employees are likely to get as much as 561% more reach with their posts than the identical messages when posted on a company account!

Of course, most of us interested in building a personal brand are less concerned about our employees and more concerned with constructing a following around us, personally. If that’s your goal, these five tips will help you create an effective and well-designed personal brand.

Know Yourself


Knowing yourself is where it all begins. No vagueness is allowed here! You can’t expect anyone else to know you if you don’t know exactly what you’re presenting, who you are, and the value of what you have to offer.

know yourself

Branding is about far more than just the visuals you create. While working with a graphic designer or using design tools such as a personal logo creator are important keys, it’s equally important to have a solid understanding of the personality you want to visually present to your public.

Take the time to fully explore your own personality, your public persona, and how you can combine the two. Be firm on what you can bring to others and be convinced of your own value. Personal branding is about confidence, but the ability to project confidence requires that you first build it within yourself. Only then can you pass it on to others.

Be Authentic


We mentioned having a good grasp of your personality, your public persona, and where the two meet. In creating a personal brand, it’s important to remember that, while you may not reveal every last detail about yourself to everyone, authenticity is highly sought after. Many consumers point to authenticity as deciding factors when choosing to pursue a business relationship with a particular brand.

And consumers are very good at picking up on brands that are not authentic. If you post content that is off-brand for you or not with the values you have previously presented, your audience will see and judge it. one company we’ve worked with that does incredibly well promoting themselves honestly is the BAVC. You can read more about their work in our company spotlight.

This is why it’s important to find the correspondence between who you are in private and who you present to the public. You don’t have to reveal every little thing — in fact, and it isn’t smart, or even safe, to do so. Draw a line between what you will reveal and what you prefer to keep private.

But make sure that your public persona is built on the foundation of who you really are and what you really believe in. Not only will that authenticity be appealing to your audience and draw them in, but it will also make your personal branding efforts easier, more natural, and much more simple to maintain consistently. But you have to be authentic on a schedule when you’re responsible for a brand.

Be Consistent


Speaking of being consistent, this is another aspect that is vital for a great personal brand. It goes hand in hand with authenticity. The more “real” you are, the more likely you are to act, speak, and post content in line with the brand you’ve already established.

Apply the consistency principle in your visuals — stick with a color palette, tone, font choices, and overall style. But make sure also to be consistent in your messaging and values.

If you’re concerned about being “boring,” remember that consistency isn’t the same as “always doing the same thing with no variation.” Rather, consistency is a positive element to personal branding that builds trust in your audience because they know they can rely on you to provide great content and added value.

Look To The Experts


All successful branding requires a certain amount of networking, regardless of the arena in which you operate. It’s not only smart to create your brand based on those who have gone before you. It also adds recognition — your audience is likely already familiar with the experts in your niche. Aligning yourself with well-respected names and brands is a great way to build trust in what you have to offer from the very beginning.


Yes, you may have competition, but that doesn’t mean you have to set out to knock them down right out of the gate. Instead, remember to network, not attack. The competition has valuable insight and experience to offer you as a newcomer in your arena, and they can guide you as you create a respected personal brand.

Focus On Positivity


These days it’s easy to focus on drama and negativity. But in creating your personal brand, you have an opportunity to be a force for change — and positivity.

As you work within your chosen area, especially with the afore-mentioned experts who pose some competition, you have a choice in how you will act. Will you create your brand around knocking down any who stand in your way? Or will you craft a healthy, forward-thinking community around your brand by setting the example in treating others kindly?

The saying goes that “nice guys finish last.” But in building a personal brand that is appealing to others, that certainly isn’t the case. Remember that your brand is about communicating effectively with your audience — and that includes every single interaction, whether in person, through your website, or via social media.

When in doubt, always err on the side of kindness. You never know what kind of positive impact kindness will have — but you can be certain that it will add to developing an effective, successful, and appealing personal brand.

Betty Wills And 5 Tips for Developing a Brand

I am a student working as a freelance blogger. I love to explore ideas related to marketing concepts, brands, and psychology. When not on campus, I am on my laptop punching keys to get my writing gigs going. Thank you for reading our 5 Tips for Developing a Brand. If you’re looking for help developing your personal brand, contact Kallen Media today.

COVID19 Impact on Marketing: Kallen Medias Response

Over the past year, we have seen a complete 180 in how companies utilize digital marketing. No matter if you are a mom-and-pop shop or a fortune 500, the Coronavirus has made some lasting impact on your business. For many, this meant closing their in-person offerings. This massive migration to work-from-home also meant a massive migration to the digital realm for marketing. Today we cover the COVID19 Impact on Marketing and how we responded.

Larger companies were placed in the position of having millions of dollars freed up from canceled trade shows. Smaller shops needed to figure out a way to reach their audience without the appeal of any in-person marketing or events. No matter what size company you were, there was suddenly a huge emphasis on digital marketing and reaching consumers who were now much more digital. For companies to take full advantage of people working-from-home, they needed to utilize different channels that encompass digital marketing.

There is currently a massive influx of marketing dollars being spent in the digital marketing space, making it important that businesses know accurate information about the different channels. Typically, companies are quick to point to some key digital assets and social media, but it takes a lot more to build a strong web presence truly. 

Today, I will dive into PESO (Paid, Earned, Shared, Owned) as it pertains to digital marketing. PESO stands for the 4 types of ways you can build traffic, trust, and conversions to your business. For your business to be successful long after the pandemic ends, you will want to make sure you know the 4 different media channels.


Paid Media Overview


The fastest way to get people to your website, buying your product is to pay for these people to come through various advertising channels. Paid Media extends across the internet and is interwoven into nearly every website you visit. 

Ads you see on Facebook? Paid Media. Banner ads on websites? Paid Media. Ads that seem to follow you wherever you search? You guessed it, that’s also Paid Media.

Paid Media can be defined as any digital marketplace that allows you to create ads and copy and then allows you to pay to get your content in front of a specific audience. 


Paid Media Platforms and COVID19 Impact on Marketing


There are website-specific platforms you can run ads from for social media websites like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Each of these platforms has a specific dashboard and process that creates, runs, and tracks consumers as they go through their purchasing journey.

If you want to advertise on Google or other popular websites, you can utilize Google Ads. This gives you the option to advertise across Google search results, Youtube, and Google’s thousands of partner websites. We even covered this topic in a recent webinar. There is also the option of running campaigns across other search engines like Bing or Yahoo. These platforms are worthwhile to look into because of their lower costs per click and conversion; however, these platforms also tend to have less overall traffic.


Programmatic advertising is the last type of paid advertising I want to focus on. This encompasses the top websites, digital radio station programs, online digital programming, and more. If you are looking to reach specific target markets while consuming digital content, this is the place to be. According to Nielson, digital media consumption has increased over 60% since the start of COVID-19. This means that these targeted ads are more likely to hit the exact audience you want when working with an agency that provides programmatic marketing options like V Digital Services.

When working within programmatic advertising networks, you will want to ensure the data you are using is clean and full of leads likely to convert. Clean data comes from reliable sources like The Trade Desk (TTD), which can serve these ads to all the top websites and streaming platforms. No matter if it is video, audio, or banners, there is space to place ads within the programmatic advertising realm.


Earned Media


In all marketing earned media is typically the most sought-after form of marketing. earned media are publications or websites that create content promoting your brand and direct people to your website.

Great examples of this will be if your website is featured in a news article or “best of” article. The more related the article is to your website, the bigger the impact the link will make on your website. Having different sites link back to your website tells search engines to start ranking your website higher, positively affecting your SEO score. Typically larger sites make a bigger impact when they link to you both with immediate traffic and overall SEO value.

Your clients can review other forms of earned media. More than ever, people trust other consumers and consider reviews before utilizing a service or buying a product. Reviews on social media pages like Facebook and LinkedIn and Google My Business reviews are key to maintaining a good reputation.


Shared Media


Sharing is caring. That rule definitely still applies when it comes to content on the internet. Shared media refers to shares you get on your organic content on social media channels like Facebook, Linked In, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. and shared media was particularly effective in combating COVID19 Impact on Marketing.


The best way to grow engagement naturally is to have your audience share your content. This is both free and extremely effective. Social media channels typically limit the amount of views business posts get to only about 10-15% of the audience unless you pay to boost or promote your posts.

Great ways to encourage your audience to share your content is to create engaging content or incentive your consumers. Engaging consumers would be asking for opinions and creating posts that invoke responses. With this strategy, it is also important to keep engaged with your users. Otherwise, conversations feel one-sided. Alternatively, you can create a giveaway or contest posts that count shares as entries. This tactic is a surefire way to get people to share your content.


Owned Media


Much like the title, owned media refers to assets you or your company owns. Owned media can consist of everything from marketing lists to websites to actual written content. Anything directly controlled by yourself is going to fall into the owned media segment.

As your company grows, your owned media strategy should grow as well. Because once you are a trusted source in your field, you can sell space on your website to interested parties within your industry. Alternatively, you can grow as a trusted source through reliable blog content and written work. Having a consistent message and brand across your owned media can help consumers understand your brand.


COVID19 Impact on Marketing


Now that you have gone through PESO for digital marketing, you are ready to ensure your business is successful in the evermore digital world. For more information on any of the media channels, email [email protected], or submit a contact form. Having a well-balanced digital marketing strategy is key to success in a COVID-19 world.

Advertising for Nonprofits: 3 Verified Marketing Plans

A good advertising plan can make or break a business. And these plans are even harder to make if you’re in a low margin industry. Nonprofits are one type of business where advertising is challenging but essential work. But nonprofits’ unique bearings provide them with some exceptional opportunities. So today, we are going to talk about advertising for nonprofits. If you’re reading this blog, you probably know what a nonprofit is, but how does one advertise effectively?

Any advertising strategy tailored to nonprofits will have specific plans to ensure success. Nonprofits are often emotionally compelling businesses with low operational capital. Because of this, we will talk about strategies that don’t break your bank. in this blog, we address concepts like free PPC ads for nonprofits, media-driven advertisements, and event marketing. We will also give tips about different cost-effective options so you can maximize your advertising budget. So let’s get started by talking about ways your nonprofit can access free ads!

Nonprofit PPC

Digital marketing in any sector often relies on paid print advertisements that encourage traffic to a site. Significant companies like Google and others offer these ads to anyone who needs to spread their message. But unfortunately, in the nonprofit world, these ads can be too expensive. The silver lining for nonprofits is that some advertising agencies will offer this advertisement to nonprofits free of charge. These companies are happy to help registered charities, and the services they provide are top-notch. So what are some examples of nonprofit click-based ads?


One shining example of these ads is the google ad grants program. If you’re operating a registered nonprofit in us, then odds are you could be getting thousands of dollars in marketing services completely free! In an industry where spending even a little money is carefully considered, free marketing is a huge boon. Another strategy to increase your click-through rate is social media advertisements. Similar to other PPC ads, a little bit goes a long way to improving your web traffic. Next, let’s talk about content-based ads and why media is suitable for nonprofits.

Advertising for Nonprofits With Media

Videos and pictures have a unique way of compelling people into action. Unlike text, media can quickly and easily create a personal investment from an audience. Media content’s power to inspire makes it an incredible component of nonprofit advertisement. Content-based advertising can grow your reach and strengthen existing supporters’ bonds. Supporting charities is a fulfilling activity for many folks, and many people will jump at the chance to help a nonprofit. But what kind of media should you be producing?

Videos are exceptional when advertising for nonprofits; many people still remember classic in the arms of the angels’ ads from decades ago. If you can find a way to represent how important your work is in visual form, the odds are that content will resonate with your audience. but you don’t solely have to rely on video. An evocative picture or series of photos can be a powerful educational tool. Lastly, media can bring exposure to lesser-known operations. By teaming up with production staff, your nonprofit gains access to multiple channels to entice new and old supporters. Another terrific way to gain support is by physically approaching clients and donors through event marketing. 

Nonprofit Events

From silent auctions to full-on parties, events are a time-honored fundraising method for nonprofits. But these events can be a marketing powerhouse as well. A flashy event or a good time is a chance to reward your loyal team and bring in brand new supporters. Event marketing is an expensive gamble, but potential rewards from it are high. If you pull off a quality event, you’ll have your donors thinking about you for years to come! But events aren’t purely about donations; you can use events for crowdsourcing as well.


A charity event like a barn raising or food drive can dramatically increase your hands on deck. group work makes specific impossible tasks into achievable goals. One classic example of this collaborative event work is holiday soup kitchens; every year, people come together across the world to feed people less fortunate. From crowdfunding to donor acquisition, there are lots of reasons a nonprofit should look into event marketing.

Advertising for Nonprofits

The right kind of advertising can be a tremendous asset to companies bottom line. But without a colossal budget, marketing can seem like a distant dream. Fortunately for charities, while it might be hard, advertising for nonprofits is an important task. Some methods are the same as regular ads but with unique benefits. Unlike a standard for-profit, some PPC like google ad grants are free for nonprofits. Nonprofits also have strong emotional undertones. If you create media content, you can capitalize on that emotion. And lastly, we talked about the different kinds of event marketing that are most useful for charitable businesses. Kallen Media has been working with nonprofits since day one. If you need a custom marketing strategy to help your nonprofit, check out our blog on work we’ve done with other nonprofits like Latham Centers.

Company Spotlight #8: Bay Area Video Coalition

Video making is a storytelling medium that has a dramatic ability to connect artists and audiences. A well-made video can create almost supernatural levels of understanding and engagement. Kallen Media is proud to work with companies who see video as a powerful force for change; that’s why we work with the bay area video coalition. (BAVC) So today, we want to bring you our seventh company spotlight on the bay area video coalition.

The BAVC was founded in 1976 to create a social hub and resource network for media makers. The coalition has helped thousands of creators and archived incredible amounts of filmography. In this blog, we will break down some of the team’s work, how you can help, and a little bit about our work with the BAVC. After this blog, you will know all about the impressive work happening around media production in the bay area! So let’s get started by talking about what the BAVC does every day.

Who is The Bay Area Video Coalition

One of the organization’s main focuses is to empower people to tell their own unique stories through film. the BAVC uses art, education, and technology to tell truly diverse stories. This help can come in many forms; the BAVC offers classes to teach people about film and film production. But they don’t stop with education. The coalition also supports and funds filmmakers! By educating and producing videos, the bay area video coalition creates a safe environment where creativity and personal growth can thrive. And the BAVC also has programs for kids. the next generation of filmmakers are encouraged to grow their skills early with the coalitions youth classes. But the coalition isn’t just making new films; they are also preserving old ones.


Besides teaching, this group is preserving old films on outdated playback mediums. The BAVC is actively digitizing old movies and maintaining our historical records. To date, the organization has rescued over 7000 hours of footage from the sands of time. Even if we kept all our old videos in ideal storage facilities, the film naturally breaks down over time. Because of this decay, moving films into the digital medium now is more important than ever. Without programs like the BAVC and other preservation teams, we could lose an incredible amount of important historical footage. By preserving old films, training, and empowering new filmmakers, the BAVC ensures the rich history of videography lives on.

Kallen Media and The BAVC

From the day Kallen Media started, we’ve always had a soft spot for working with nonprofits. Also, we’ve always been fascinated with the power videos have. So when we got the opportunity to work with BAVC, we were very excited. After our initial meeting on the Catchafire platform, we got to continue our work together. Lately, we have even been lucky enough to create memorable google ads for the bay area video coalition. BAVC, like so many other nonprofits, are seeing real benefits from the Kallen Media services. So what is unique about Kallen Media’s plan for promoting nonprofits?

Our nonprofit strategies focus on fostering or strengthing community ties and connecting charities to potential supporters. Kallen Media has had the pleasure to work with hundreds of nonprofits, so we understand 501 c 3 advertising. We can even help you get access to special grant programs that provide registered nonprofits with free advertising! Kallen Media can help you get access to google ad grants and other nonprofit specific marketing tools. Now that you know what they are all about, are you asking how you can help the BAVC?

How You Can Help The Bay Area Video Coalition

The BAVC is a multifaceted organization that has multiple functioning teams with different goals. So if you’re interested in film in any capacity, the coalition has a place where you can help. One of the main ways to be a part of the coalition’s efforts is to become a member. Membership comes from several different packages that allow anyone to participate regardless of income. Similarly, the coalitions’ always looking for new instructors or hosts for events. But if these options are too involved, the BAVC also accepts donations. Whenever you donate to a registered nonprofit, the gift is tax-deductible; this means that you’re helping yourself when you enable the BAVC. Getting a campaign noticed can be tough, but with your help, the BAVC can’t fail!


Bay Area Video Coalition Company Spotlight 7

Video has the power to connect people like almost no other art form. And because of this, telling diverse stories through film is essential. The bay area video coalition has been supporting filmmakers and promoting diverse storytelling since the 1970s! We are proud to support the work the BAVC is doing. That’s why we wrote the Bay Area Video Coalition Company Spotlight. Kallen Media loves working with the BAVC because we have heard their members’ stories and see how critical their work is. If you want to get involved with the coalition, head over to their website and learn more about the different ways you can support them. And if you’re in our other work with nonprofits, check out our last spotlight.

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