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Category: Digital Marketing Advice

Leveraging the Power of Video: How Kallen Media and Bay Area Video Coalition Can Transform Your Brand

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, video content has become a pivotal tool for engaging audiences and driving brand success. At Kallen Media, we recognize the immense potential of video marketing and are dedicated to offering top-tier video production and marketing services. By collaborating with esteemed organizations like the Bay Area Video Coalition, we bring unparalleled expertise and creativity to our clients.

The Importance of Video in Digital Marketing

Video content is no longer just an option; it’s a necessity. Here’s why incorporating video into your marketing strategy is crucial:

  1. Enhanced Engagement: Videos capture attention more effectively than text or static images. They are more likely to be shared, liked, and commented on, thus increasing your brand’s reach and engagement.
  2. Higher Conversion Rates: Videos can significantly boost conversion rates. According to recent studies, including a video on a landing page can increase conversions by up to 80%.
  3. Better SEO: Search engines favor websites with rich media content. Well-optimized videos can improve your search engine rankings and drive more organic traffic to your site.

Kallen Media’s Video Marketing Services

At Kallen Media, we offer a comprehensive suite of video marketing services to cater to your unique needs. From conceptualization to production and distribution, our team of experts ensures that your video content is of the highest quality and reaches the right audience.

  1. Video Production: Our production team creates compelling and professional videos that align with your brand’s message and goals. Whether it’s a product demo, testimonial, or corporate video, we’ve got you covered.
  2. Video SEO: Optimizing your video content for search engines is crucial for visibility. We ensure that your videos are properly tagged, titled, and described to maximize their reach.
  3. Distribution and Promotion: Creating a great video is just the beginning. We also help you distribute and promote your videos across various platforms to ensure they reach your target audience.

Collaboration with Bay Area Video Coalition

Our collaboration with the Bay Area Video Coalition (BAVC) enhances our video marketing capabilities. BAVC is a renowned nonprofit organization that supports emerging media makers and fosters innovation in video production. Here’s how this partnership benefits our clients:

  1. Access to Cutting-Edge Technology: BAVC provides access to state-of-the-art video production equipment and facilities. This ensures that our clients receive top-quality video content that stands out in the crowded digital space.
  2. Expert Training and Workshops: Through BAVC, we stay updated on the latest trends and techniques in video production. Their expert-led workshops and training sessions help our team continuously hone their skills and deliver exceptional results.
  3. Community and Network: BAVC’s extensive network of media professionals and creatives allows us to collaborate with some of the best minds in the industry. This enriches our video projects with diverse perspectives and innovative ideas.


Partnering with Kallen Media and leveraging the expertise of the Bay Area Video Coalition can significantly elevate your brand’s video marketing strategy. By combining our comprehensive video services with BAVC’s cutting-edge resources and training, we ensure that your video content not only captures attention but also drives meaningful results.

Ready to take your video marketing to the next level? Visit Kallen Media and learn how we can help you create impactful video content that resonates with your audience.

Why Hire a Digital Marketing Expert?

Digital marketing has become an indispensable part of any successful business strategy. However, digital marketing is a broad field that comprises of many moving parts like SEO, paid social media advertising, content marketing, analytics and more. It requires expertise to develop integrated digital campaigns, keep up with constant changes in algorithms, technology and consumer behavior trends.

Unless digital marketing is your full-time focus, it’s nearly impossible for business owners and internal teams to stay on top of everything and get the best results. This is where partnering with an experienced digital marketing agency like Kallen Meda comes in extremely handy.

Expertise and Strategic Guidance

Kallen Meda is led by expert digital marketers who make it their job to stay current with the latest industry developments. They understand the shifting algorithms of Google, Facebook etc. and how to optimize strategies accordingly. With years of hands-on experience working with diverse clients, Kallen Meda understands each industry’s nuances and what marketing tactics have proven most effective.

Rather than implementing cookie-cutter approaches, Kallen Meda takes the time to understand your unique business goals, target audience and brand voice. They focus on developing integrated, data-driven campaigns customized to your specific key performance indicators. With strategic guidance from experts, you avoid wasting your budget on tactics that don’t align with your objectives.

Avoid Costly Beginner Mistakes

Mistakes are part of the learning process, but mistakes can be expensive in digital marketing. Beginners often end up spending significant budgets on approaches that produce lackluster results or even backfire. An agency like Kallen Meda has already made mistakes on other clients’ dime, allowing them to avoid common pitfalls.

Experts first analyze your website, content and analytics to identify quick wins. Then, they methodically test hypotheses with a small budget before scaling up. This minimizes risks while maximizing ROI. Rather than learning on the fly, business owners get the benefit of verified tactics proven to generate leads and sales.

Actionable Insights from Data Analytics

Data-driven digital optimization is crucial today, but analyzing metrics and drawing useful takeaways requires an analytical mindset, which isn’t everyone’s forte. Kallen Meda knows how to set the correct tracking in place across platforms and attributes conversions accurately.

Leveraging analytics tools, they generate actionable insights from massive datasets. Monthly reports showcase precisely what content or ads are most engaging audiences and driving tangible outcomes. This allows constant improvement of strategies based on what actually performs best for your customers and key business goals.

Maximized Returns with Expert Guidance

Considering the high stakes of digital marketing, entrusting your efforts to an expert agency makes good business sense. You gain high-level strategic counsel and hands-on execution of integrated campaigns without overheads. Kallen Meda helps scale your digital presence efficiently while continuously optimizing ROI.

Overall, hiring an agency grants access to expertise, saves time chasing trends and minimizes risks. It takes the guesswork out of digital marketing for data-driven results and maximized returns in today’s landscape.

Why Choose a Local Roseville SEO Company for Your Business?

As a small business owner in Roseville, maximizing local search visibility should be a top priority. While national brand awareness has value, the bulk of new customers will come from within the surrounding community through local search results. This is why partnering with an experienced, dedicated local Roseville SEO company provides unparalleled advantages over going solo or using an outside agency.

Deep Understanding of the Local Landscape

A specialized Roseville SEO company acquires a thorough knowledge of the city’s unique search ecosystem through years of focused service. They intimately understand which keywords and topics local customers search most, constantly tracking micro-trends at a hyper-granular level. This allows tailoring campaigns to be optimized perfectly for the Roseville audience rather than a generic approach.

Hyper-targeted Content Reflecting the Community

By developing guides profiling Roseville neighborhoods, event listings of local activities, and business directories catered to the specific city, a local SEO company demonstrates that your brand truly understands residents and what local information they seek. Kallen Media taps writers within Roseville to ensure content authentically captures the city’s character and needs.

Strong Link Profile Through Local Connections

Link-building weighs heavily in local search algorithms. Kallen Media leverages extensive networks within Roseville government organizations, chambers of commerce, industry groups and other highly relevant local media/directories to obtain natural, high-quality backlinks. These locally-sourced internal links carry more authority than a remote firm could attain.

Real-world Relationship Building

With a physical presence, Kallen Media representatives attend Roseville Chamber mixers, volunteer at community functions and conduct periodic client consultations face-to-face. Seeing customers locally builds invaluable trust as a partner invested within the ecosystem. Distant consultations lack this personalized touch.

Swift Issue Resolution is Critical

Technical problems or rankings drops requiring prompt action are frustrating for customers. Kallen Media’s nearby offices allow rushing support staff directly to clients to minimize downtime, whether investigating traffic dips or fixing broken site elements. A remote agency cannot replicate this rapid, localized response that is crucial for preserving business.

Account Management is Personal

At Kallen Media, accounts receive a dedicated primary point of contact to ensure continuity and personalized attention. Local representatives get to know clients personally beyond emails to better understand unique business objectives and support long-term.

Scalable Solutions for Growth

As the business scales up, a local partner like Kallen Media can also scale their support through strategic planning tailored to each new stage. They help update websites to be increasingly optimized for mobile, incorporate new channels like social media marketing, or develop destination pages for expanded service offerings.

If expanding to other locations, Kallen Media’s market expertise aids in successfully replicating tried-and-true SEO tactics. And for unexpected challenges, their industry knowledge provides swift recommendations to changing algorithms or competitive shifts. This guidance protects online presence investments for long-term success.

Overall, partnering with a specialized local Roseville SEO company like Kallen Media positions companies for unparalleled success in attracting patrons from the surrounding community, most vital for growth through ultra-targeted online visibility. Their complete immersion within the market yields unmatchable advantages.

How Kallen Media Experts Create High-Performing YouTube Ads

YouTube offers valuable brand exposure and customer reach. However, creating effective YouTube ads requires video production chops and platform optimization skills. This is where partnering with a full-service digital agency like Kallen Media proves highly beneficial.

Detailed Planning and Research

The YouTube ad creation process begins with in-depth discovery. Kallen Media’s strategists will want to understand your business, goals, messaging and target viewers inside out. They conduct competitor analyses and immerse themselves in your industry to ensure ads resonate authentically.

Research uncovers valuable customer insight, too. Kallen Media experts may survey target demos or analyze existing customer data to pinpoint real problems, or pain points an ad could solve. This round of planning lays a strong foundation for success.

Creative Concepting and Testing

Armed with key findings, Kallen Media’s creative team will iterate multiple concepts before selecting the optimum angle. They storyboard visually and write scripts from the viewer’s perspective, maximizing relevance and entertainment.

Early concept testing receives feedback to improve the message and call-to-action memorability. Revisions incorporate valuable suggestions to refine the ad experience.

Professional Production

Kallen Media handles all production in-house. Their experienced video producers coordinate talented on-camera hosts, product demonstrations, drone/gimbal footage, overlays and more to achieve broadcast quality.

Careful planning ensures efficient shoots. Kallen Media also has the gear, software and facilities to produce dynamic explainer, interview or documentary-style ads.

Expert Editing and Post-Production

All footage undergoes intricate editing at Kallen Media. They cut precisely to keep viewers engaged with smooth transitions, upbeat pacing and a clear value proposition.

Polished graphic design, original music and call-to-action overlays further enhance the experience. Kallen Media adds final touches like color correction for optimal visual appeal.

Strategic Media Buying and Targeting

When deploying the campaign, Kallen Media leverages its platform expertise. It designs ultra-targeted audiences, leveraging viewer behaviors and interests for the highest relevance.

Data-driven bid strategies, coupled with a budget optimized across devices and dayparts, aim to outperform the competition. Ongoing optimization constantly refines targeting.

Continuous Optimization

Every Kallen Media campaign incorporates tracking and optimization. They monitor insights to improve underperforming ads or pause losers in favor of better concepts. Optimization guided by metrics ensures the most engaging ads reach the widest possible relevant audience, driving brand awareness, traffic or sales goals.

By partnering with Kallen Media’s seasoned YouTube experts, you gain an efficient, hassle-free production and optimization solution for valuable brand exposure on the platform.

Measuring Success and Reporting

Once the campaign is running, Kallen Media closely monitors key performance indicators. They track metrics like impressions, views, click-through rate, watch time, and conversions. This data provides valuable insights into how well the ads resonate with target audiences.

Kallen Media’s analysts prepare detailed reports every month to share campaign results. Reports showcase how each creative performed and which targeting strategies and day/time placements drove the best outcomes. Clients gain a full understanding of their return on ad spend.


Creating successful YouTube ads requires creativity, strategic planning, and data-driven execution. Kallen Media brings all these elements together to deliver ads that reach your audience and drive meaningful engagement and conversions. By understanding your brand, leveraging advanced targeting techniques, crafting compelling content, and continuously optimizing our strategies, we ensure your YouTube ad campaigns achieve outstanding results. Partner with Kallen Media and let our experts elevate your YouTube advertising to new heights.

Nonprofit Consulting and Marketing Services

Nonprofit consulting and marketing services have been evolving over the years. While we started with general methods, agencies developed today’s approach over time. Digital marketing and campaigning for nonprofit organizations have become a requirement for the growing industry. Kallen Media’s marketing agency has lots of knowledge and skills in helping nonprofits so that we can help you too. We are a team of an advertising agency that has had tremendous success with several 501(c)(3) organizations searching to boost donor bases. This success includes nonprofit consulting all over the United States.

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Nonprofit Pay Per Click PPC Advertising

Pay Per Click PPC advertising, which includes Google ads, remains one of the efficient marketing approaches. PPC nonprofit advertisement promotions are an excellent way to immediately enhance your profile on a smaller financial plan. Kallen Media’s marketing agency is an advertising organization with the correct knowledge to manage your nonprofit PPC advertising. We can also check your current nonprofit marketing campaign or quickly build one from scratch.

Nonprofit Facebook Marketing

Facebook marketing and many other social media advertising programs offer many nonprofit advertising services. More precisely, nonprofit organizations’ marketing can be directed to viewers based on many demographic standards. This is exactly why nonprofit marketing on Facebook can be highly successful in helping raise awareness. Another one of the benefits of nonprofit marketing on Facebook is that you can quickly build exclusive fundraiser events online where the contributors can connect from anywhere and can effortlessly make online donations. Kallen Media’s marketing agency has run hundreds of Facebook ad campaigns. It utilizes this knowledge to enhance your nonprofit drive to a high level and engage the best audience by spreading the word and finally getting the best results.

Nonprofit LinkedIn advertising

LinkedIn advertising application has been in constant use by top-notch businesses. LinkedIn advertising can be an effective tool for prominent advertising approaches for nonprofits when targeting an audience mainly containing executives and professionals. It is also necessary for working and communication methods to promote local events.

That is why we acclaim nonprofit ad promotions on LinkedIn app and marketing for nonprofit organizations; especially on LinkedIn, which is an excellent way to link with people and raise money.


At times you might feel the need to make a change in nonprofit marketing consultants, but you might not be sure what you exactly need. Kallen Media’s marketing agency offers a nonprofit marketing consultant with vast experience and the right tools to make precise proposals for you.

We have been serving as marketing consultants for small start-ups, average-sized businesses, 100+ thriving businesses. Whether you have been looking for a complete makeover for your website or want a new advertising method, we are here to guide you with these specific goals and build the best nonprofit ads promotion for your business.

Nonprofit Social Media Analytics.

We also provide social media analytics for nonprofit organizations, a fortune treasure trove of data and information. Nonprofits who depend entirely on contributors in the funding and financing procedure will benefit from all the available data from their Facebook page, Instagram, and many more. Instagram and Facebook analytics can be puzzling for an amateur, but Kallen Media’s marketing consultants are here to interpret these analytics into actual results.

Social media channels are one of the many prevalent approaches to uncover nonprofits in today’s world. Reach out to us to ensure that your nonprofit ad promotion will let people reveal what makes your cause different and unique and how they can be of any help.

Nonprofits Web Analytics.

Our Google Analytics for nonprofit services is also an essential tool to help improve your website so you can understand users. The kind of information that Google Analytics offers is huge. While the data is confusing to some people, Kellen Media’s consultants have the experience to translate that information for you. We are here to support you find out how to turn this puzzling information into future financing in different ways.

Nonprofit Marketing Analytics.

We understand that Marketing for nonprofit businesses is not always the most straightforward task. We have tremendous experience with building the best nonprofit advertisements. It typically takes a few tries, often concurrently, to discover the best outcomes. However, it might not be easy to notice which effort works and gives the best results.

Kallen Media’s marketing agency has the right tools and unique experience to help guide you to the best outcomes. Subsequently, you can also concentrate on which one might most efficiently bring new donors. We offer several ideas and strategies to nonprofits that meet their needs.

Inbound Vs. Outbound Marketing

With the growing competition, it’s become challenging for businesses to stay ahead of the curve. Because of this, the feild of marketing is changing. Like everything else, marketing has gone digital, new methods such as digital marketing, content marketing are becoming popular. There are also two marketing terms that we often hearing more often – inbound marketing and outbound marketing. Although both these terms are quite different, they’re often confused by many people. Keep reading this blog to learn more about inbound Vs. outbound marketing.

What are Inbound and Outbound Marketing?

Inbound marketing helps users make a decision or solve an issue via helpful and relevant content. This type of marketing attracts potential customers through the use of keywords and converts them into permanent consumers by accompanying them throughout the buyer journey. However, outbound which is more fouced on quantity of advertisments.

Outbound marketing is a kind of intrusive marketing and involves all sorts of paid advertisements such as social ads, traditional advertisements, SEM, and other marketing methods. Unlike inbound marketing, outbound marketing aims to interact and engage with all sorts of potential clients whether or not they’re interested in the brand’s products and services.

What’s The Difference Between Inbound And Outbound Marketing?

Outbound marketing offers one-way communication

The biggest distinction is that outbound marketing is a one-way street. Whereas inbound marketing ensures two-way communication. This communication between the customers and the companies is crucial to assess if the marketing strategy is successful and allows the organization to see the customer’s response and reaction to the company’s marketing efforts.

a red neon sign spelling market

Inbound marketing makes the user come to the business

Because inbound marketing relies on interesting and appealing content that helps clients solve some common issues. The potential client looks for a solution to their problem and ends up on the business’s site through social media, referrals, search engines, and much more.

However, in the case of outbound marketing, the company itself reaches out to the clients through TV ads, radio, cold calls, print media, and other channels.

Inbound marketing helps generate strong relationships between the business and its customers

Inbound marketing involves the use of technology which helps the business learn more about its clients’ preferences and tastes. This helps them create relevant and informative content useful for the customers and helps form a good relationship between the two parties.

When it comes to outbound marketing, it’s often known as interruption marketing. This is because outbound marketing involves cold calling, which often causes an unpleasant interruption for the clients and can also lead to the potential customer losing any interest because of the intrusive approach.

Inbound marketing educates and entertains the customers

Because inbound marketing relies on blogs, infographics, and interesting videos it educates and entertains the potential customers. However, you can also intrest returning customers to invest more. On the contrary, outbound marketing rarely aims to educate or entertain the clients. Because outbound only introduces the product and its main features.

a group of people discussing marketing strategy

Outbound marketing doesn’t involve market segmentation

Market segmentation is crucial to ensure that the company’s marketing efforts are working for you. Identifying the target audience will help your business create content that’s relevant and engaging. As far as outbound marketing is concerned, it doesn’t take into account any target audience. This method has a high risk of failure and relies on sheer numbers.

Get In Touch WithKallen Media and AvailBlog Writing and Posting Services In AZ

To get the most out of your marketing budget, it’s best to hire a digital marketing agency. Partner up with a digital marketing agency to ensure your online presence is an asset. However make sure its a team who understands the diffrences between inbound Vs. outbound marketing.

Hire Kallen Media to ensure just that. Along with digital marketing, we hold expertise in SEO, web designing, content marketing, social media marketing, blog writing, non-profit services, and much more. We provide affordable and premium-quality services to small businesses that have a limited marketing budget.

Reach out to us today to know more about our wide assortment of digital marketing services.

4 Questions to Ask Your Digital Marketing Partner

Current marketing methods and technologies are changing, and new approaches are more than welcome! Because changes happen so quickly, you and your digital marketing partner need to be on the same page. If your partner is familiar with your data, understands your business plan, and isn’t glued to digital media, they should enjoy the opportunity to flex talents! But how do you figure out if you’re on the same page? Here’s four questions to ask your digital marketing partner.

How Will They Improve Your Current Digital Marketing Strategy?

The right digital marketing partner will be improving your existing technologies. For instance, a company’s website plays an key role in it’s marketing. Your digital marketing partner can give you that boost with well-thought marketing strategies. Remember, an efficient digital marketing agency will bring new strategies to the table and try to improve the existing ones. If that’s not the case for your digital marketing partner, then you need to hire a new one.

Are They Making Strategies More Competent?

Digital marketing

The key to digital marketings success is the feilds use of data. Because of this you need to make sure your marketing team aren’t in silos. If you’ve hired multiple digital marketing partners, there’s a chance your company’s marketing is ineffective and not thriving. Different partners bring inconsistency and a difference in tactics as well.

When multiple digital marketing agencies work for you, a change in expertise can cause problems. This can affect your company’s marketing. Try to partner up with one digital marketing agency at a time to evaluate their performance. The most crucial factor is to determine if your digital marketing partner is enhancing your efforts rather than deteriorating them.

Are These Strategies Effective at Boosting Your Business?

Think about how long has your digital marketing partner been on board. Has there been a change in your business sales? Did they help improve traffic to your website and therefor your business? Ponder over all these questions. Moreover, check your sales and the traffic on your social media platforms and other digital media platforms.

Be sure to communicate with them if the sales activity is decreasing. Revisit marketing strategies with your partner; layout your thoughts and questions. Effective communication is key to resolving these issues. Digital marketing partners should convey insights and data across marketing channels. An invested partner should offer recommendations and suggestions considering the latest and effective marketing trends for optimization.

What Is Their Most Innovative Strategy Or Tactic?

Digital platforms are continuously changing, and excellent digital marketing partners should provide you with the latest and innovative ways to capitalize on your marketing plans. furthermore if your digital marketing partner doesn’t give you innovative ideas, then you need to reconsider. The key to digital marketing is thinking outside the box. The audience and viewers are familiar with and fed up with traditional and boring marketing ideas.

To get their attention, your digital marketing partner will come up with something creative that catches eyes. Moreover, they’ll need a digital marketing strategy that’s engaging, because that makes loyal clients. With the right digital marketing strategy, you can effectively attract new customers and retain the existing ones.

Remember, the right digital marketing partner will start communication regarding your marketing plan. However, working with creatives means you need to explain your goals. Partner up with a digital marketing agency that nurtures your company’s marketing needs and is an asset to you. Hire Kallen Media to ensure just that.

Digital Marketing for Businesses: Our Guide

Ever since the pandemic hit the world, several companies have jumped on the digital marketing bandwagon.  Companies have embraced digital marketing to be in a better position to network and engage with their customers. 59% of the organizations globally have accelerated their digital presence during the COVID-19 lockdown. Some are still struggling to make their mark, while others haven’t even stepped into the digital world. So heres our guide to digital marketing for businesses.

scrabble tiles on wooden table spelling out the term, ‘Digital Marketing’

So what is digital marketing? Why has it taken the world by storm? Is it essential for you as a business to partake in digital marketing to boost your business? This blog will answer all your questions about digital marketing. Continue reading to know what digital marketing is, how it works, and why is it so crucial for your business in today’s time?

What Is Digital Marketing?

In simple words, digital marketing is marketing your products and services on a digital platform. You advertise and sell your products by leveraging marketing tactics such as email marketing, social media marketing, and mobile marketing, etc.

What is marketing? It is making the right offer to the right person, at the right, in the right time. In today’s time, your target audience is online, surfing, browsing, and researching.  Digital marketing puts you in those channels so that you can effectively market your products to your prospects.

a laptop showing digital marketing campaign stats on screen

If you’re new to digital marketing, the idea of mastering it might be a bit overwhelming.

We get that. That’s normal.

You’ll be overwhelmed to see so many tactics and new practices to incorporate in your marketing campaigns. Yes, you’ll have to learn all those tactics as they lay the foundation for your business by attracting potential buyers, compelling them to take the desired action, and making offers to your audience that they will respond to.

Let’s take a closer look at how this works.

How Does Digital Marketing Work?

Just like traditional marketing, digital marketing also aims to strengthen the bond between businesses and their customers, prospects and leads. But the fact that digital marketing reaches more potential consumers is why it has successfully replaced the traditional marketing methods that were much more costly and less effective than digital marketing.

Facebook likes and logo pins

Think about the last purchase you made. From purchasing a new property or hiring someone to fix your home drainage system, you always begin by searching the internet to find out how to deal with the problem or look for the best options available.

Your buying decision is always influenced by the reviews and testimonials you view online. Therefore, an online presence is a necessity for your business, regardless of what you sell.

An effective digital marketing campaign puts you on multiple platforms where people spend most of their screen time. You connect to them via various channels.

  • Generate unique and informative content to keep them updated with the latest news and provide possible solutions for the recent problems to keep your audience engaged.
  • Use multiple social media platforms to share your content that is much light-hearted and casual.
  • Optimize your content with search engine optimization to increase your rank on search engine result pages so that more people can view your website ad its content.
  • Make paid efforts like pay per click (PPC)to drive paid traffic to your sites.
  • Incorporate email marketing to follow up with your prospects and continue updating them with any new offer or announcement.

a person making a digital plan on a paper

When you merge all these tactics, you’ll end up with an easy-to-operate, efficient, and effective digital marketing campaign that’ll be able to meet its objectives.

It might look impossible to incorporate all these components together from scratch into your campaign, which is why we’ve put together this guide to help you build an effective digital marketing plan.

How Will Digital Marketing Help Your Business?

A strong digital presence can be helpful in multiple ways:

  • Increase the brand’s awareness.
  • Retain potential customers while attracting new ones.
  • Increase customer loyalty with frequent communication and enhanced engagement.
  • Target the right audience. Thus, saving your finances and time which are both crucial in today’s world.
  • Most digital platforms have some level of reporting that can help refine your ad targeting and design
  • You can easily measure and monitor the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.
  • Helps your brand gain credibility quickly and sustainably.

three men rejoicing seeing their digital marketing campaign running successfully

If you’re looking for a digital marketing agency in Phoenix that’ll help increase your brand’s online presence and take care of all your digital marketing activities, Kallen Media is the right place for you.

From Google ad grant management, web designing, content marketing, SEO services, and social media marketing to blog writing and posting in Phoenix, AZ, we cover all aspects of digital marketing for you within your budget.

Contact us to get a complete range of digital marketing solutions at budget-friendly packages in Phoenix.

Tips for Designing Marketing Strategy

From the day a company is launched till the day it decides to close down, marketing remains one of the essential elements fueling any business’s engines. A company that doesn’t have an effective marketing strategy is bound to fail. Companies are now setting more money aside for marketing. According to a survey, 93% of B2B companies were extremely committed to content marketing, and it generated annual revenue of $300 million in 2019. Here are some essential Tips for Designing Marketing Strategy that can help your business in the long run.

Determine Target Audience

The first step of developing an effective marketing strategy is to identify the target audience. Without getting a clear sense of which demographic or age group you’re targeting, you won’t be able to develop the strategy further.

Identify Business Goals

The next step should be identifying the overarching goal of the company. Hence not every company aims to maximize profits. There are specific non-governmental organizations that work to create awareness who work towards retaining their existing customers.

Once you know what you’re striving to achieve, the following steps become easier.

Select Suitable Medium

Social media apps on a phone

The next step is a crucial one. Based on the population and demographics you’re targeting, you’ll need to select suitable communication mediums.

For example, if you’re targeting all genders aged between 15-50 years, social media marketing, particularly through Facebook and Instagram, would be ideal since they have their highest number of users fall within this age group. So, Newspapers and television have somewhat become obsolete mediums of communication and might not be as effective.


Before choosing the appropriate marketing campaigns for your strategy, you must first calculate some costs and figure out how much budget you can allocate for them. This will give you a framework to work in without cutting back on things after coming up with campaigns.


For this step, you will have to let your creative juices flow. So while you can choose several different campaigns, they can be broad for marketing and promotional campaigns.

Marketing campaigns involve you marketing your company on various platforms in advertisements, blogs, social media posts, etc. Companies can use sophisticated data collection and analysis techniques to infer the audience’s preferences through which they can emphasize or deemphasize certain mediums or campaigns.

Promotional campaigns work best when you pay influencers or bloggers to promote your product, giving you a wider following since they might reach audiences you might not be able to reach.

Want some expert to help you walk through the process? Hire Kallen Media to take care of all your marketing needs. We specialize in SEO, digital marketing, web designing, and much more. Contact us today to invest in a brighter future for your company.

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