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Category: WordPress Web Design Work

Unlocking the Potential of Scottsdale Web Development with Kallen Media

In today’s digital age, having a robust online presence is essential for businesses of all sizes. For those located in Scottsdale, Arizona, the key to achieving this lies in exceptional web development services. This is where Kallen Media steps in, offering top-notch Scottsdale web development solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of local businesses.

Why Scottsdale Web Development Matters

Scottsdale is known for its thriving business community and vibrant economy. As more businesses move online, the competition intensifies, making it crucial for companies to stand out. A well-designed and functional website is no longer a luxury but a necessity. It serves as the first point of contact between a business and its potential customers, reflecting the brand’s identity and values.

The Kallen Media Advantage

Kallen Media specializes in providing comprehensive Scottsdale web development services that go beyond just creating aesthetically pleasing websites. Our team of expert developers and designers work collaboratively to build websites that are not only visually stunning but also highly functional and user-friendly.

Custom Web Development Solutions

At Kallen Media, we understand that each business is unique, with its own set of goals and challenges. Our Scottsdale web development services are fully customizable, ensuring that your website is tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether you require an e-commerce platform, a content management system, or a simple informational site, we have the expertise to deliver.

Responsive Design

In a mobile-first world, having a responsive website is critical. Our Scottsdale web development team ensures that your website looks and functions flawlessly on all devices, from desktops to smartphones. This not only enhances the user experience but also boosts your site’s search engine rankings, as Google favors mobile-friendly websites.

SEO-Friendly Development

A beautiful website is of little use if it can’t be found by potential customers. Kallen Media integrates SEO best practices into every stage of the web development process. This includes optimizing site structure, improving load speeds, and ensuring that your website is easily crawlable by search engines. Our goal is to help your business rank higher in search results, driving more organic traffic to your site.

E-Commerce Expertise

For businesses looking to sell products or services online, our Scottsdale web development team offers specialized e-commerce solutions. We build secure, scalable, and easy-to-manage online stores that provide a seamless shopping experience for your customers. From payment gateways to inventory management, we’ve got you covered.

Why Choose Kallen Media?

Choosing the right partner for your web development needs can make all the difference. Here’s why Kallen Media is the preferred choice for Scottsdale businesses:

  1. Local Expertise: We understand the Scottsdale market and what it takes for local businesses to succeed online.
  2. Experienced Team: Our team of developers, designers, and SEO experts bring years of experience and a wealth of knowledge to every project.
  3. Client-Centric Approach: We prioritize our clients’ needs and work closely with them to ensure their vision is realized.
  4. Proven Results: Our track record speaks for itself. We’ve helped numerous Scottsdale businesses achieve their online goals.


In the competitive Scottsdale business landscape, a professionally developed website is a powerful tool that can set you apart from the competition. At Kallen Media, we are dedicated to providing Scottsdale web development services that drive results. From custom solutions to responsive design and SEO integration, we have the skills and experience to help your business thrive online. Contact us today to learn more about how we can elevate your online presence.

A Comprehensive Guide to Glendale Web Design

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, a captivating and user-friendly website is no longer a luxury but an indispensable tool for any business or organization seeking to thrive. Glendale web design plays a pivotal role in establishing a strong online presence and attracting potential customers. This comprehensive guide will delve into the intricacies of Glendale web design, providing you with the knowledge and insights necessary to create a website that exceeds expectations.

Key Elements of a Successful Website

  • User Experience (UX): A user-friendly website is essential for a positive browsing experience. Web designers prioritize intuitive navigation, fast loading times, and responsive design to ensure that users can easily find the information they need.
  • Visual Appeal: First impressions matter. Web designers leverage high-quality images, videos, and graphics to create visually stunning websites that captivate the attention of potential customers.
  • Content Strategy: Compelling content is the backbone of any website. Web designers collaborate with clients to develop informative and engaging content that provides value to users and establishes the business as a thought leader.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Visibility in search engine results is crucial for driving traffic to your website. Web designers optimize websites for relevant keywords and implement SEO best practices to improve search engine rankings.
  • Mobile Optimization: With the majority of internet users accessing websites on their smartphones, mobile optimization is non-negotiable. Web designers create websites that adapt seamlessly to different screen sizes, ensuring a consistent user experience across all devices.

Benefits of Professional Web Design

  • Increased Brand Awareness: A professionally designed website acts as a powerful marketing tool, enhancing brand recognition and establishing a positive brand image.
  • Improved Lead Generation: A user-friendly website with compelling content encourages visitors to take desired actions, such as contacting the business or making a purchase.
  • Enhanced Customer Engagement: A well-designed website fosters interaction and engagement, building stronger relationships with customers and fostering loyalty.
  • Increased Sales and Revenue: By optimizing your website for conversions, you can increase sales and generate more revenue for your business.
  • Competitive Advantage: In a crowded online marketplace, a professionally designed website gives you an edge over competitors and helps you stand out from the crowd.

Choosing the Right Web Designer

Selecting the right web designer is crucial for the success of your website. Consider the following factors when making your decision:

  • Portfolio and Experience: Review the designer’s portfolio to assess their skills and experience in web design.
  • Industry Knowledge: Choose a designer who understands your industry and can create a website that aligns with your business goals.
  • Communication and Collaboration: Effective communication is essential for a successful project. Look for a designer who is responsive, collaborative, and willing to listen to your ideas.
  • Pricing and Value: Determine the designer’s pricing structure and ensure that it aligns with your budget. Consider the value they offer in terms of services, expertise, and support.


Web design is an investment in the future of your business. By partnering with a skilled and experienced web designer, you can create a website that meets the needs of your target audience, drives traffic, and achieves your business objectives. Embrace the power of a professionally designed website and unleash your digital potential.

What Does a Web Designer do?

The world of web development is complicated and can be confusing for untrained people. There are lots of different builders and hosting platforms. And once you have made all those decisions, you need a plan for long-term maintenance. These factors become even more incoherent when you try to figure out how to tailor your site toward your customer base. But every day, professionals design sites for companies that draw users in and convince them to buy products. So what does a web designer do?

The short answer is web developers connect users to companies who want to use the internet like a store. These programmers are the people who work to make sure you have something to do with that wifi! Today we will give you a top-to-bottom outline of a web design work and how they make beautiful landing pages! We cover the basics like front and back-end builders, hosting, link building, and so much more! Let’s start by discussing designers’ main web development tools and builders!


Front End vs. Back End


The easiest way to understand these two camps is to distinguish what users see. The client-side is things a user will notice or be able to click. Includes graphics, the buttons, and anything else that comes up when you click the link. But what does a web designer do for these different jobs? Client-side developments come from front-end builders training in fields like graphic design. Conversely, back-end builders are more robust in areas like coding and have experience with programming for connectivity-based languages.

Back-end development is unique because while people don’t see it, the effects are often more impactful. Programmers in this field use Languages like Java, C#, and python to connect various landing pages and elements. After they have the bare bones of a site, these teams begin optimizing and refining your website to ensure it’s fast and easy to use. The catch is making sure new optimizations don’t harm your user experience. Back-end coders spend a lot of time reducing load times and optimizing user functions.




A host server houses the data which makes up your website. Host platforms can be hugely influential to how your site runs. Popular choices include Amazon, Hostinger, and Bluehost; Bluehost works great for new WordPress development, but Amazon is the best value overall. These aren’t the only services in the game, though! hundreds of smaller companies host websites. It’s also possible to host for yourself, but the costs of servers are expensive, and these days cloud-based hosting is standard.

Hosts are also responsible for the maintenance and security of these servers. This upkeep includes protection from physical threats like water damage or other corrupting forces and data maintenance like firewall upkeep. All this work ensures you can reach your secure website anywhere in the world! But now, you need to link all that data with landing pages!


Link Building


Now that you know how to make landing pages and where they live, we need to talk about links. Any time you go to a new part of a website, a link takes you there. These are essentially the only way people can find your pages, so web designers spend lots of time ensuring they are all connected. We call this process link building. A good web designer’s work will feel like a roller coaster with marked progression through a clear linear path. These websites connect with pages that lead to clearly defined destinations. But they don’t all have to be your site!

There are thousands of other websites, so link building can also take place externally! You can do this by providing a utility other designers can’t afford or don’t want to make, like a calculator or other open source tools. Or you could even do collaborative work that lives on both sites. But how are links prioritized?


Keywords and SEO


Search engines are the most common way people find sites, and optimization is an easy way to get their attention. Services like Google are open about ranking sites, so following these steps can help give your site exposure. In Web Design, we call this SEO, and it’s an ongoing process. SEO can only optimize around specific goals, and that’s where keywords come in.

Keywords are the direct search you want to rank. They can be short phrases or whole sentences, which will dramatically influence your optimization tools. These tags can also help you target people in particular areas. Using location tagging, web designers can make your website more appealing and familiar wherever you do business. After you have your target keywords, use the optimization practices we discussed to outshine other websites.


What Does a Web Designer Do?


That’s Everything you need to have a firm grasp on web design. We covered the basics by describing the different types of devs and the maintenance and storage hosts. Next, we moved on to link building, where we talked more about landing pages and how to make a website that does the work for you. Lastly, we discussed how users find content and what you can do to be the most attractive site on the internet! So what does a web designer do? We make your site! Learn more by contacting Kallen Media for our web designing services today.

Professional eCommerce Web Design

For an e-commerce website, the design allows you to make a positive first impression. It directly impacts how much time users spend on a specific e-commerce store. However, a website is not only about how it looks. So what can you do? We recommend you look into professional eCommerce web design.

A website is your chance to demonstrate to users the value of products and keep customers interested in your brand. But people need a reason to visit a website, and the design can serve that purpose.

Despite the importance of online presence, just 64 percent of businesses in the United States had a website until recently. With each passing month, this figure continues to rise as more companies realize the value of having a solid e-commerce platform. The need for websites only grew with the emergence of covid. The popularity of online purchasing has exploded, and business owners can no longer ignore it.

That is precisely why it has become critical to understand how to create an e-commerce website to succeed in the e-commerce industry. So without further ado, let’s have a look at the most important things to think about while designing a unique e-commerce website:

Optimize Product Photos 

We have seen it all, from blurry photographs to gigantic image renderings and even sites with no product photos whatsoever. Do not go along with the crowd. Often well-reputed e-commerce designers use high-quality pictures on content pages. This practice will improve the performance of your web store page and the user experience of your clients.

The most crucial step in user experience improvements comes with images quality. You can leverage Adobe Photoshop for this job. However, this tool is on the expensive side. If you do not have a sufficient budget, you should stick to Affinity Photo and Luminary, as these two are less expensive options.

Incorporate Links To Your Social Profiles 

Social media is a marketing medium that no business can afford to overlook in this day and age because social media networks are home to an estimated 3.72 billion active users. That is about a quarter of the world’s population!

At a minimum, social media platforms allow potential customers to communicate with their peers. Internet users spend roughly 74 minutes on social media platforms, including Instagram and Facebook. These minutes are critical for your brand because they allow you to build genuine customer interactions and promote client loyalty.

As a result, you can use social media to grow your business’s following and communicate with your customers on a more personal level. Visitors will find it easier to follow you by adding links to your social profiles.

You can also enthrall your social media profiles with fantastic material and provide more customized customer service via direct messaging. Seasoned e-commerce web design companies follow the practice of adding your social media accounts to your website’s sidebar or header is a terrific method to promote them.

Create A Mobile-Friendly Design

Keep in mind that most people access your website on tablets and mobile devices rather than desktop computers. This level of engagement is why addressing your user experience from a mobile-first perspective can often increase conversions. Google provides a handy tool for determining whether or not your site is mobile-friendly.

According to a recent survey by Adobe, 38 percent of website browsing was through smartphones in the United States. At the same time, the percentage was even higher in the United Kingdom – 52 percent. The report suggested simplifying and optimizing the mobile experience, an essential acquisition measurement, and landing page performance to improve your website’s conversion. 

Show A Unique Value Proposition On The Website

E-commerce web design companies figured out that online users will not linger on a site for long periods. So make sure you give your customers the reasons they need to stay to enhance your engagement and conversion rate. To entice visitors to stay, you must present a compelling value proposition. A clear statement describing the benefits of your product and how it fulfills a need is known as a unique value proposition (UVP).

Value propositions do not necessarily have to be fancy to get the idea across. Consider what sets your company apart from the competition while developing your UVP. Then, compose your text based on the factors that will highlight the benefits of using your items. Furthermore, a UVP does not need to belong, which increases the likelihood of it going unread. Instead, aim to be as concise as possible, underlining the importance in only a few words. You can stick to a professional eCommerce web design plan if you follow all these steps!

Digitization and Web Designing Services

Exclusive Digitization and Web Designing Services


Digitalization has taken the world by storm. Because of this development where you can find everything with just one click, businesses need to be accessible. Websites have become essential to growing your business because most purchases are online, and the trends emphasize the value of having a website. That’s why Kallen Media’s digital marketing agency has developed strategic ideas of providing cost-effective Digitization and Web Designing Services. We are a top web development company providing services in the USA because we partner with well-known web designers and developers.

Our services include:

  • Templates
  • eCommerce websites
  • Tailor-made sites

We are a team of web designers who focus on inspiring web designs with soothing color, visuals, and high-quality layouts. Kallen Media’s web design consultants create responsive, SEO-friendly, and eye-catching web designs to capture more visitors. You can rely on us for a website design because we have a crew of experienced designers and innovators in our business. Moreover, we offer our clients a medium to express their brand via templated sites that we have data to back up!

Why Should You Choose Us?

Creativity can be challenging, but it’s our overall approach. We make practical efforts to put our clients’ ideas as our utmost priority and convey precise outcomes by conjoining creativity and technology. Our team knows that a website is the first interaction audience has with your brand or business. And our use of verified open-source platforms helps set you up for success! Our expert web designers strive to engage potential audiences towards your product or service.

What Will You do With Our Web Designing Platform?

Strong Online Branding:

 Add a unique logo or signature to your online branding with our visual web designs promising a unique and quick navigation layout.

Best Branding Solution:

With our tailor-made, unique, industry-specific designs, you can create a slot for your brand and make a quick connection with your target niche. This will eventually help you grow your online business.

Credible Look:

We will offer you some of the most perfected web designs with great visuals. Besides graphics, you will get professional features and an effortless browsing structure.

SEO-Friendly Coding:

We create the codes that deliver the best performance and allow your website to rank higher on search engine pages.

Personal Identity Approach:

We make custom web designs, layouts, and attractive templates to gain customers because these strategies will help businesses mature.

Kallen Media’s e-Commerce Web Designing Service:

Many manufacturers with various products need the best way to engage users. A complete eCommerce website can be the basis of your online business. And we will help develop your eCommerce portal, apps, and web designing to sell your products. ECommerce websites have transformed the way customers shop online and therefore changed the course of selling and marketing products. Our online shopping trends force businesses to find the most suitable eCommerce web development and design service for boosting sales and enhancing growth.

Our eCommerce web designing serves as a platform to present your products and services to customers. The services we provide undoubtedly get quick exposure because we need to meet customers’ demands. The eCommerce business has become the biggest market, and that is where the vital role of user-friendly eCommerce websites comes into play.

 Suppose you are a vast thriving corporation looking to develop a custom and well-branded eCommerce website. In that case, Kallen Media’s digital marketing and web designing agency are here to help you achieve the goal on a larger scale. We push the limits because we want to bring your ideas to life. Your project is run professionally from initial consulting implementation to development.

There is a wide choice of blogging templates out there that allow you to start a simple site that is entirely cost-effective. But only our eCommerce web designing service will help you flourish your business. We can help you engage more audiences as we have a team of professional developers.

What is Our Strategy for eCommerce Web Development?        

We work on a simple strategy:

  • Meeting and research
  • Build and design
  • Testing
  • SEO friendly
  • Launch

Besides these, Kallen Media’s web designing team also provides you with a glitch-free and smooth eCommerce website with clear navigations, a sleek structure with qualified prospects that land on your website, and a search engine for crawling. The most prevailing thing to check in an online environment is a company’s experience. Therefore, your whole business depends on website performance. We are one of the top-notch website development companies because we have website designing and development expertise.

So, if you need a glitch-free website and want to present your product uniquely, then check out our Digitization and Web Designing Services. We are here to help out.

Web Stories WordPress Plugin: Your Visual Story

Web stories, formerly known as AMP stories, are an interactive way to engage with your users. And recently, we got the Google web stories WordPress plugin. Today we will tell you about what web stories are and how they can help your SEO rankings. We will also talk about the new Google web stories plugin and what this means for your content. And lastly, we will outline how web stories are changing and what that means for your business.


It is undeniable that an official WordPress plugin is going to make web stories even more popular. But it will be hard to understand these changes without knowing about the basics of the medium. That’s why we’re going to start with the basics. So let’s define what web stories are and talk about how they can drive traffic for your site.

Web Stories and SEO

A web story is a full-screen visual storytelling medium. These projects take google search results and transform them into an interactive space to make information more visually compelling. The results of these projects are a breath of fresh air for users and, as a result, are highly engaging. This medium creates brand new ways for you to communicate with users. Instead of text, a web story helps content creators speak visually. This visual element can help build trust in your content because the user feels involved.

This visual and interactive experience helps draw-in users. But a user actively participating in a search means they are more likely to retain information too. A standard search result can drive traffic to your website, but a web story can make this process into a journey. When a user finds content via a web story, they are a part of that discovery. This inclusion creates invested users who are excited to engage with your website. Its no wonder why people are so happy to use the new plugin!

WordPress and Web Stories

The advent of this plugin hints that we will start seeing professional and sleek designs from thousands of more users than before. As we know, WordPress plugins can make seemingly impossible tasks very easy. This ease means anyone can now utilize this highly effective messaging platform! These stories might even become an industry-standard you can come to expect from a professional website.

Plugins also help create easy user interactions. This google-designed plugin should be no different; we can expect WordPress web stories to start standardizing themes and templates that users can become accustomed too. Web stories were always highly engaging, but now they will be easy to implement also! The addition of plugin support means web stories will become a new industry standard.

Web Stories Plugin for Business

The new plugin format will affect how content is made and consumed for everyone. On the web development end, we can expect a content boom. Any time the entry barrier gets lowered, people will flock to it and see if it can help their solutions. And a web story is a prime candidate for this. Businesses interested in using a web story can expect the price of implementation to drop. This change will mean affordable and breath-taking design.


For designers, this new tool will come with some required learning. While projects are in their early stages, web designers are often learning and unlearn the changing key features. But this education is vital for designers. With massive companies like google and major advertisers backing the project, it will be essential to know. Web designers have to stay on top of trends, and web stories are positively trending right now.

Google Web Stories WordPress Plugin

The new WordPress plugin support for web stories marks the changing of an era for digital marketing. From now on, web designers can quickly implement a web story into their campaigns seamlessly. This new tool means we can expect to see some changes in how we think about web story content. A web story is a full-screen interactive story that displays information similarly to an average google search. This medium lets people see results in a visual format rather than text. This additional layer of information will undoubtedly help your SEO ranking.

A plugin will also make these designs more comfortable with making and using. Because people can easily create their own web story now, we can expect to see more of them. Plugin support will also make designing easier. These factors mean we will begin to see a uniform and cost-effective web story designs all over the internet.

Using a new plugin can be a challenging endeavor and can feel like a serious undertaking. And any update to WordPress can be scary. But Kallen media can make the process easy. If you’re looking for help with adding a web story plugin to your website, contact Kallen media and let us help you.

WordPress 5.5 | What to Expect From The Update

A lot of people rely on WordPress to keep their businesses running smoothly. And now we’re only two short weeks away from a massive WordPress update! So it might be useful to know what’s coming. WordPress 5.5 is going to have some significant changes to the platform. Today, we figured we would give you a rundown of some of the most significant new features coming and what we’re most excited to see.

The technology space is seeing some fast changes in 2020. And WordPress is no different. A lot of the updates focus on themes and theme design. So if you’re a webpage designer, this update could change the way you do business! Every WordPress update brings new features to explore, and this one holds some fascinating tools. Let’s start with updates themselves.

Automatic Updates


We’re personally very excited about this new feature. After the release on August 11th, WordPress will automatically update plugins and themes! That means that you can stop continually rechecking for the latest plugin and be confident you’re up-to-date. Automatic updates will also make general maintenance easier. Now, if a programmer has to patch something, they can automatically push this out instead of waiting for users to find it.

On the development side, this will make some changes. If you make plugins, this feature is optional. So you may have to prompt users to turn on automatic updates if they don’t do it naturally. Similarly, users don’t forget to switch on this feature to keep your theme current easily.

5.5 Accessibility


WordPress prides itself on ensuring every update has a focus on accessibility. And 5.5 is no different. This update brings with it a retooling of the widget navigation section. Previously accessibility tools had troubles sorting the unordered lists in widget menus, But now authors can ad navigation widgets to provide context and help users navigate! The new category system means that with some small changes, accessibility tools will be able to categorize menu options.

Similarly, the movement of meta boxes was adjusted. Now boxes can be move with keyboard inputs. Improving the meta window movement helps make these key features more accessible to people with limited input options. Similar features enable links to be copied by the click of a button. These features will help make sites more comfortable to use for some customers. Similarly, the efficiency updates coming in 5.5 will make WordPress faster and easier for everyone!

WordPress Site Efficiency


One of the many features which will make 5.5 faster is lazy loading image support. Lazy loading changes the way an image arrives at a viewport for a user. Loading images this way will make images load quickly and even save on bandwidth for users and hosts. Lazy loading image support means no more waiting for the product images to load on your e-commerce site. In addition to photos, some key design features are also getting makeovers.

WordPress media tab

Similarly, the update makes it easier for theme designers to create complex themes. By adding features like HTML support for custom logo and block patterns, designers can make complicated work easy to implement. These features mean we can expect to see even more sleek and efficient WordPress pages! These design tool changes don’t just help designers; block patterns will be publicly available to plug into websites. So even a small business site can look professional.

5.5 will also bring automatic enabling of XML site maps. These mapping functions will help improve the visibility of all of your content. These are just a few of the ways WordPress 5.5 is becoming a faster, more efficient design platform.

WordPress 5.5


With a release date of August 11th, WordPress 5.5 is coming at us fast. In two weeks, we will be seeing some massive changes to our webpage developer. One of our most anticipated features is automatic updating. No more searching for up-to-date plugin fixes! But they won’t be stopping there; WordPress is also adding changes to make design templates for themes easier to distribute. Features like line editors and block patterns will mean we get beautiful web-design even faster. Lastly, WordPress always features some key accessibility features in their updates. 5.5 features cataloging of menus so accessibility tools can help users navigate sites easier.

Are you looking to help WordPress develop the 5.5 updates? Testers are needed for the beta platform to find any bugs. WordPress is also looking for help to translate their new update into the hundreds of languages its users speak. Check out their project to see if you can assist.

Are you struggling to use some of the new WordPress features? If you’re looking for help preparing for the latest changes, Kallen media is here to answer your questions. Check out our website and contact us with any problems you have.

Responsive Web Design: Designing For Change

The days where your blackberry took fifteen minutes to load a website are gone. Today users expect their phones to connect to a polished, professional website. Statista reported around 50 percent of browsing is done on mobile devices. So how does a business make sure its content looks good no matter where customers find it. They turn to responsive web design.

Responsive web design creates websites that change based on the hardware they are running. Most people are familiar with this. Think deleting emails on your phone versus your computer. But how do you make sure your website is fluid like this? What are some standard practices of responsive web design?

Size Matters: Responsive Scaling


Most websites designed for computer screens plan for large monitors. And why wouldn’t they? If you have space, you should use it! But scrolling endlessly from side to side on the phone won’t do. Because of this, scaling is critical. So responsive web design focuses on identifying what’s essential to scale.

Menus are often oriented vertically for phones, and instead of complex series of popups, mobile designs often just load a new separate subpage. Similarly, it’s essential to put what’s important first. The limited space on mobile models shouldn’t sacrifice your message.

Scaling doesn’t mean a brand new website. The essential things are still just as important. So it is vital to prioritize what users will need the most. Because of this, it’s sometimes helpful to design your mobile website first. Once you have the critical information, it’s easy to expand. But developing your mobile site at a smaller scale can help companies solve design issues.

Responsive Design Aesthetics


A big screen generally makes it easier to see fine details. And that if a particular look is central to your brand? Sometimes these details are vital to the user experience. And you shouldn’t lose that in the mobile design. So how do we preserve these aesthetic choices while scaling? Responsive web design solves this in a few smart ways.

The first is scalable vector graphics or SVGs. These files are designed not to lose resolution at any size. This is huge for responsive design because it allows for almost every dimension of the screen without compromise for others. SVGs also tend to be smaller files, which will help loading speeds! But other design decisions matter too. In the past, we’ve talked about speeding up websites, and reducing graphics size is an easy way to do this.

Some fonts rely on size heavily to be read. And certain color combinations blend together if designs get intricate. Almost every aspect of a website matters when its changing size. An example of this is the buttons. A computer mouse is a fine point, but the human finger is not. Mobile web design accounts for touch screen operation with bigger buttons and sometimes having separate designs for the mobile and desktop versions.

Benefits Of Mobile Websites


Responsive design isn’t all drawbacks. Phones have an incredible range of functions that web browsers can activate. Creating engagement can be hard. But phones make it so easy. You can use a button on your mobile website that connects users directly to you via phone! Using the tools on the phone can help create a fluid and comfortable user experience. This also makes it easier to let users take action right away.

Another benefit of mobile design is a clear call to action. Because you have limited space, often, your call to action becomes very apparent. This is a good thing when combined with other mobile tools. Users can figure out what they should do and get it done. No more endless sticky notes or yellow pads, mobile design solves these problems.

Responsive Web Design


If you’re ignoring mobile web users, its time to reconsider your web design, a significant portion of users are mobile users, and they deserve consideration. So a website that can run on any hardware is a must-have in today’s business world. That’s why companies turn to responsive web design. By focusing on the issues that hinder scaling a website, responsive design helps create a smooth user experience.

Responsive web design tackles these problems by providing tools to help websites scale up or down. This tactic requires some critical decisions before it can start. Preserving the look and feel of your website is essential. So scaling can’t come at the cost of your branding. Tools like scaling graphics, button design, and layout all help make the website versatile.

Responsive web design requires a thoughtful approach to a companies needs and content. Sometimes responsive design even requires an entirely new plan. But the professionals are here to help. Kallen media focuses on ensuring our client’s content is high quality no matter what people use to find it. If you need help going mobile with your website, contact Kallen media via our website.

E-commerce: Running your store with WordPress

E-commerce is rapidly becoming the new normal in consumer markets. E-commerce stores are essentially any website that you go to buy goods entirely online. Amazon, for example, is the largest e-commerce store in the world. This business model is quickly becoming the “norm” when it comes to modern business. but how does a companies even make those websites? If you’re ready to make the jump to e-commerce or need some guidance, keep reading!


Making your online store stand out can be hard when competing against corporate giants. Companies that are inexperienced in the online space can benefit greatly from having a web hosting partner. Full-service partners, like Kallen Media, can help your website flourish with individually tailored packages to suit your needs as a business owner. before a store can be tailored to fit a businesses needs some simple groundwork must be laid.


Building Your E-Commerce Store


As stated above, any website that allows you to buy products online is an E-commerce store. There are many different types, and an even more significant number of platforms to choose from. Before setting one up, you’ll need a website. WordPress is an inclusive, comprehensive website builder. Many companies offer extensive guidance when it comes to setting up your WordPress website. A lot of times, you can find an affordable price to have your website built for you! Once your WordPress site is up and running, it’s time to get an e-commerce plugin that will accommodate your business needs.



When building your store, it’s crucial to pick expandable options. As your business grows, your needs will scale. A website can sometimes be very challenging to scale if the proper precautions aren’t taken. You want to make sure the platform you choose can scale with your ever-increasing requirements. failing to account for scale may result in poor customer experiences or even store closure. It makes the process a lot more simple to select the right e-commerce plugin at the beginning, instead of having to switch to keep up with increased demands. while there are plenty of options for these plugins, most businesses utilize the same ones.


WordPress E-commerce plugins


Once a company decides to start selling, it’s time to build the shop interface. The two of the biggest WordPress platforms for an online store are Shopify, and WooCommerce. Many web hosting partners prefer one of these two, although these are not the only options, they are the most trusted. Around 39% of all online WordPress stores use WooCommerce, so it’s clear they know what they’re doing. Once a company has chosen it plugin it’s time to start building. Setting up an online store can seem like a daunting task, but it’s a lot more simple than you would think. so what exactly do these plugins do and how does it affect a website?


WooCommerce and WordPress


running an E-commerce store no longer takes a tech genius. The great thing about WooCommerce is that you don’t need to be a coder or spend much time. It will do much of the work for you. It’s as simple as adding the plugin and following the directions. the user-friendly interface means changes can easily be made allowing for a more customizable webpage. Once you’ve added the plugin, WooCommerce will begin to help create an e-store.


the first thing the WooCommerce plugin does is load an installation wizard. The installation wizard will then walk you through the process step by step. It will first take you through the pages you’ll need, which is as easy as hitting continue. Then you’ll be taken through and asked about what currency you use for the website. Afterward, the wizard will help you set up shipping and tax rates. Luckily, you don’t need to know any of that, WooCommerce will help decide for you. The final step to getting up and running is choosing your methods of payment, and that’s it! (technically) building your online store is only the first step. Then the website is customized to fit individual needs and brand requirements.


Make Your Online Store Unique

So now you have an e-commerce store that is up and running, but there are many more things to consider. You want it to flow well, what’s the point in selling your products online if your customers can’t figure out how to pay for them? Additionally, you want it to look appealing. There is a multitude of plugins that can help your site pop but some of that can start to get confusing, plugins can seem endless and some are less intuitive than others. That’s where employing the right help comes in handy! A company that excels in building memorable WordPress websites can help bring your ideas to life! if you need help making or managing your store, contact Kallen media on our website here.

WordPress Website Design: Your Business Your Way

WordPress initially launched in the year 2003. Since then, it has completely revolutionized the way businesses had an online presence. We have fast websites now – more rapid than our mind’s ability to decide what we want to see later.  The Introduction of WordPress allowed for web development to be more accessible than ever. WordPress website design has revolutionized web design, but what sets it apart?


Why WordPress?


WordPress has millions of in-house as well as independent designers worldwide that contribute to the database of its themes and plugins. But, all of it is done so that you could do the best to maintain your personal and professional profile on this vast – World Wide Web. It’s a tremendous achievement that WordPress powers nearly 35% of the world’s total websites.


City connected together digitally


WordPress also takes pride in announcing that it has become one of the most significant sources of income for independent professionals. Hundreds of WordPress web designers in Phoenix are offering services on freelance platforms.  Here they design your website’s theme and help you extend the functionality of your plugins.

It is user-friendly, has an attractive user interface, and doesn’t require technical knowledge of coding, programming and back-end management, etc. Plus, WordPress website designs are highly adaptable. The websites can cater to all your changing demands and requirements. Giant, multinational corporations like Sony use WordPress. Similarly, new bloggers also use WordPress. It is highly-compatible for beginners. More than anything else, the most significant appealing factor for WordPress is its dependable community support.


The WordPress Website Design


This platform offers great design options. The significant fact here is that a WordPress design doesn’t only comprise what one sees on a limited screen. The fonts, themes, palettes, plugins, etc. all constitute a masterpiece WordPress website design. You can alter combinations, and so, users can enjoy a wide variety of options depending upon their purpose. That’s the reason WordPress can power sales pages, personal blogs, poetry pages, eBooks. Also, it can help you showcase your skills and act as a virtual CV if you want to opt for a technical career. You can display your portfolio, previous work experiences, and whatnot on your very-own, WordPress website.  These websites have become a second home for many world-class professionals now – who prefer their WordPress website over their business premises.


Personal Profiles on WordPress



Personal pages to offer small-scale services. Often, writers who want to share their opinion for pleasure or offer delicious recipes or want to voice their ideas for a more significant social or philanthropic cause use WordPress on a personal level. It is their bridge with which they connect to the global community and become part of the broader perspective.


Business and Professional Profiles on WordPress


It’s great to learn that the world’s biggest businesses and most influential organizations have powered a chunk of 14% of their websites via WordPress. That’s not only because of the built-in features but because of more than 55000 plugins available on the WordPress directory. There are, however, more significant reasons why people prefer showcasing their professional skills, portfolios, home businesses to giant corporate services on WordPress.

Firstly, the websites on WordPress are SEO-friendly. These pages get a higher ranking on Google, and so, businesses have higher chances of attracting clients and customers on this platform. Plus, people love customizing their websites their way – their brand’s approach. It has a drag and drops menus for simplest to complicated stuff on WordPress. The site gets secured once it’s powered here, and domain, hosting, etc. do not cost an arm or length.


How can a WordPress Web Designer help you?


Though it’s easy to start a WordPress website – like, it shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes to sign up and do all the specific tasks. But, hiring a WordPress web designer in Phoenix can wondrously aid any new or established business in getting a fabulous online presence. Also, if you’re in Arizona, especially in Phoenix, then you can get a bunch of commercial services from the best WordPress web designers.


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Because your WordPress website is your ultimate store-front, it deserves the touch by an artist. These service providers have more comprehensive experience, diverse portfolio, year-round discounts, and highly dependable customer service. Most importantly, they don’t give you their time; they dedicate their efforts to see your masterpiece adding value to your new-born or older business.  You can get in touch with us directly at (773)524-1483 or email [email protected] for more information on creating your WordPress website.

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