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What is Remarketing?

Consumers browse the internet every day in most cases.  This behavior had lead to a massive surplus in online shopping and new marketing tactics specific to the internet.  You have noticed that there are times when you will visit a website and then see ads for the same site later that day.  It’s probably no surprise to you that this is not random. This tactic is the digital marketing tactic called remarketing!

computer screen with website outline

Remarketing is the action of going back to your potential or previous clients and attempting to make the sale through another channel.  When you put items in your cart at an online store or click on an ad, your activity is tracked. These ads are now able to follow you to other websites and channels since you expressed interest.  Remarketed ads are created through many channels. The largest is going to be Google, who offers this service.

Why Remarket?

The reasoning behind these ads is simple.  If a consumer has expressed interest in items or a brand before, odds are they will still be interested.  The conversion rates are much higher using these ads than the typical advertising that has been done in the past.  Remarketing is one of the best forms of marketing that is top of mind awareness. You can check out β€œ6 Forms Of Marketing” if you want to learn more about other marketing strategies.

All the most notable brands like Coke and Nike utilize this.  Everyone already knows the two brands, but the brands want to be what you think about when you think of soft drinks or shoes.  Through utilizing these remarketed ads, you are putting your brand in people’s brains who are already interested more and more.

Large or small corporation, remarketing ads can make a huge difference in your business.  One of the most crucial marketing fundamentals of modern-day is building your list. This can be done by collecting emails and doing surveys.  Remarketing is also a way to make a different type of list. A targeted list of individuals expressing interest that you are now able to engage with that may have been out of reach before.

So how do you get started using remarketing on Google?

The answer to that question is simple.  You will need to go into your Google Ads account and find the Google remarketing code.  Once you see this code, you will want to place it within your website. If you do not know how to do this, you can contact Kallen Media for assistance or ask your web development team for assistance.  The code allows Google to track those who visit your website.

Google’s display network ranges to approximately 92% of websites, videos, and devices.  When starting your remarketing campaigns, you will want to have a broad scope.  This is so you will be able to eventually narrow down your campaigns by page, or more precisely.  The ad will be higher at first because you are showing your ads to a more substantial portion of people. Eventually, you should be able to create custom ads for non-buyers like discount codes.

computer, laptop, tablet, and phone

Connecting to your audience and potential customers is becoming more critical.  Technology gives us these opportunities through tools like remarketing. Remarketing allows brands to stay in touch with their customers even out of their website.  The massive reach of the Google Ad Network will enable you to be able to target nearly a person who visits the site.

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