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Neuromarketing Strategies: Methods and Uses

How can a business benefit from psychology? Neuromarketing strategies require substantial data sets and multiple costly tools. Companies interested in utilizing neuromarketing almost always outsource. So, a company should understand which strategies it wants to use. Studies are never free. Businesses should be careful because this process is costly. Common knowledge of neuromarketing practices helps you know what data is essential.

Neuromarketing is the use of psychology research for a marketing plan. Advertisers must plan for these methods. Often these practices require long studies. This study includes monitoring physical and subconscious responses.  So utilizing these practices helps make your content more noticeable. But what are some specific tools for neuromarketing?

Neuromarketing Tools: FMRI and EEG


FMRI and EEG machines are medical equipment that measures brain activity. An FMRI measures specific blood flows while EEG machines detect electrical signals. FMRI the best way to measure emotional responses. However, EEG is still useful and less invasive. Recently, companies have created tools that can run FMRI and EEG tests.

The best uses for these tools are branding decisions or improvements and measuring emotions. These tools show responses to your marketing campaigns via brain activity. Brain activity provides more useful data than verbal information. The big problem of using neuromarketing tools is invasiveness. Both practices require consumers and complicated machines. FMRI is almost impossible to do outside of a lab setting. But what if people can’t come to a lab?

Eye-tracking Strategies: Gaze and Pupilometry


Gaze eye-tracking focuses on analyzing the subject’s line of sight. This process tracks where a person’s eyes rest. Similarly, gaze tracking shows how long the eyes stay focused. Tracking allows firms to measure several things. What grabs people’s attention? Is the content confusing? How fast is your recognition speed? Tracking eye movement enables a company to see how consumers digest its content.

Pupilometry measures dilation in a subject’s pupils. Measuring pupil dilation tests focus. Eyes adjust to see important information. Measuring points shows spots that grab attention. Pupils also show how engaged someone is. And higher levels of engagement make more memorable experiences!

Tracking testing methods study attention and focus. A tracking test will provide a company with information on how a user reacts. Results can make marketing communications have more lasting impacts. Eye-tracking improves the entire user experience. Including web design, packaging, and all advertising. Eye-tracking data is another way to get a company noticedβ€”response tracking is used in tandem with other forms of analysis.



Biometrics are measurements like sweat, heart rate, and respiration. These are a person’s external physical response systems. Biometrics is often used in connection with other neuromarketing strategies. So the second avenue of data is beneficial to measure secondary factors. But what exactly does biometrics provide?

Measuring physical responses through biometrics informs on engagement and positive and negative reactions. Our bodies have physical reactions to emotions. The biometrics data provide these insights. Measurement of responses allows marketers to improve the content of their advertisements. Content is developed by eliminating sources of negative emotions. This process is similar to facial expression analysis.

Facial Coding

When a company pattern tracking of emotions its referred to as facial coding. Facial coding uses cameras and other tracking equipment. Data about emotional responses come from collecting expressions. But People often emote without realizing it. So activity monitoring is vital to marketing. The data here is easy to manage. The process is cheaper than other methods. Facial coding is highly effective despite its lower costs.

Advertisers reach marketing goals by understanding how to elicit emotions. And it is easier to make people happy if you know what they like. Advertisers cant rely on guesswork. Facial coding is very effective at improving the content of advertisements. Although these processes seem complicated, they are useful. Facial coding makes more meaningful content. So you should start right away!

Neuromarketing Strategies and You

So neuromarketing is excellent at improving the design. Because of this, neuromarketing is excellent at improving web design. Kallen media studies current neuromarketing trends to improve our clients’ web design. And Kallen media specializes in blog writing. Therefore emotional response is a big focus of our business. Neuromarketing studies make sensitive blog posts more natural to write. Kallen media is focused on tracking of current industry trends to ensure peak performance! Because of this, neuromarketing is a big focus of our company.

It’s clear neuromarketing studies can help a marketing campaign succeed. But the methods can seem scary. Psychology makes marketing more complicated. But don’t be afraid to get started! Neuromarketing strategies are hugely valuable to a company. You have to know what you want to accomplish. If you decide to utilize neuromarketing tactics in your business plan, Kallen media is here to help.

Do you still have questions? Are you interested in learning more about neuromarketing strategies? Kallen media would be happy to explain any neuromarketing techniques. Visit our website To contact Kallen media for any marketing services or questions.

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