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Optimizing Websites In Phoenix, Arizona

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 Phoenix is a rapidly booming city with companies starting up across the valley.  Everything from web design companies and marketing agencies, to pastry chefs and call centers.  One of the most significant factors in making a great first impression is having a stellar website. It is no longer enough to have static web pages that have not been updated for years.  These websites do not grab the attention of either potential clients or search engines like Google and Bing.

Your website is your image.  Positive or negative, that image represents your business and can either help or hurt your reputation.  Technology companies are rapidly expanding to Phoenix, AZ, and they understand the value of their digital presence.  Often smaller businesses might be unaware or believe that they do not have a large enough budget to compete.

This is where Kallen Media comes in! Kallen Media is proud to call Phoenix, Arizona, home.  Our specialty is working with small businesses on projects that would cost thousands if working with an agency.  We can service companies around the world but strive to take extra effort to help local businesses.  Working with companies in Phoenix, Scottsdale, Glendale, and Tempe gives us a range of knowledge of how different companies and industries work within our community. Also we are one of the leading Arizona SEO specialists.

Now it is time to consider how you want to update your website.  Choosing whether you want a large web design company or freelancer is imperative to creating your budget. Kallen Media offers you a free consultation to break down how much the project will be, as well as the differences in capabilities.  If you are on the fence about your website, here is a list of 6 factors you may want to consider:

1. Outdated Web Design

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Odds are if you have not interacted with your website much, your design is probably obsolete and clunky.  Since Phoenix has such a fast-growing technology scene, this can be detrimental to search results. You do not want new companies coming in and taking your business simply because you do not have an updated website.

A great way to check this out is to look at your competitors’ websites.  Take a few minutes to pull up 3-5 of your competition’s websites. What do you see?

If you feel like your site looks significantly different and outdated, then it is time for a change.  On the other hand, if you see the other sites are not looking great, this is a perfect opportunity to win clients. By giving your business a newly designed website, you are sure to boost your search ranking and get ahead of your competition.

2. Broken Code

As a business, you should be proud to display your website.  Old websites often have their code break when it is not optimized.  Broken code is when parts of your site have updated but have not been updated for an extended period, making it invalid.  The best way to see this is by checking if you have any errors or broken pieces of the website. Keeping an updated site and changing the design every few years is critical when being found.

Broken code can also get complicated depending on what kind of website you have.  For most WordPress websites, it is probably worth it to redesign your website.  This decision often sounds more challenging than it is, and you can find all the help you need from Kallen Media, local to Phoenix, Arizona.

3. Outdated information

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One of the critical ways that search engines rank businesses is by the consistency of data.  If you are not active online, then it is likely there is old information regarding your business on your website.  This could be anything from the wrong address to the wrong phone number. When it comes to making money, this could be a huge setback!  Having potential customers not able to contact you through your online presence means that you could be losing a large percentage of your traffic.

There are several services online that will scour the internet for information regarding your business. A great place to start would be BrightLocal who allows you to check this information for free on their trial.

4. Wrong Message

Over the years, businesses tend to develop into themselves.  For many companies, they have a different message from when they began years ago.  Your current message should be what your website provides. From the primary colors to pictures provided, the website should be updated and current.  Having outdated media can give the impression that you are not currently active since there is now new information.

5. User Experience

Provide a fresh user experience.  Think about the interfaces of all your favorite websites.  Odds are they are easy to navigate, and the message they are trying to convey is clear.  That is the same feeling you should be striving for with your website!

The best place to start would be choosing a layout or design that you want your website to follow.  There should be a flow to your general theme; each page should not read like a drastically different website.  By adding color and design details, you can turn the most boring sites into great sales tools.

6. Fresh Content

Keeping your website updated with fresh content is one of the primary aspects of SEO optimization. Producing new content regularly for your website is the best way to have your site stay relevant. One way to do this is by creating social media platforms as other channels for you to direct traffic to your website.  Fresh content on your website itself is best done through blog posts.

Blogs allow for your brand to relay messages to their audiences about topics they care about.  Topics of the blog can be anything related to your industry. Some of the best strategies for coming up with blog ideas are making bulleted lists or reviewing the top current trends in your industry.

Learn more about how SEO will help your business grow and bring you more customers and leads.


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