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Responsive Design: What is a Responsive Webpage

Have you ever wondered how your customers are accessing your website? And are you sure your site looks good no matter where it’s accessed? Ensuring your website looks good is a cornerstone in digital marketing. That’s why today, we’re going to talk more about responsive design.

In the past, we’ve touched on standard responsive web design practices. But today we are going to give you a complete guide. We are going to learn why businesses prefer responsive design. And precisely what changes web designers implement and the different templates for sites. In essence, responsive designs are websites that adapt to the different ways people are accessing the website. These responses can take the form of scaling photos, changing font size, and even wholly separate landing pages! But why would you want to take on all of this extra work?

Why Use Responsive Design


Odds are, if you’re reading about responsive web design, you’re already considering using it. And who doesn’t want access to the most modern digital marketing tools? Responsive design creates a website that is ready to handle a wider audience. in addition to the reach, responsive websites are also sleeker and tend to look better because they tailor to the size of your users’ viewports. These changes are all minor ways to create a tremendous amount of utility from your website.

responsive design

responsive design

This ease of use is one of the main advantages of a well-implemented responsive design. If your site is easy to access from multiple platforms and devices, you will likely see an increase in your performance metrics. Customers will actively notice responsive design features because they will feel natural and tailored to their setup. Your website is like your storefront, and you want it to be easy to access and inviting to everyone! This ease of use and quality all come from dynamic changes.

Dynamic Changes


Responsive design at the primary level is about implementing a website that changes with your users. But this process starts with allowing elements of your site to shift in response to your users’ ques. We’ve already talked about a few different kinds of dynamic changes; features like image scaling and viewport responses are all examples of a website responding dynamically to other users. These changes all require highly technical knowledge of back-end web programming. But they all work on fundamental principles of receiving inputs from users and reacting to data in pre-programmed ways.

Responsive programs are all about predicting the different ways users are going to interact with your site. Is a long block of texts too complex to read on some screens? You’ll need adaptive text features. Ensuring that you cover your customers’ most common use cases will guarantee high satisfaction. One of the most common types of predictive programming is creating mobile-specific landing pages.

Mobile Websites


Mobile websites are a common practice for businesses who want to reach a broad audience. Landing pages for specific mobile applications are a common first step in implementing a responsive website. Having dedicated landing pages for mobile versions of your site ensures your responsive web page will have fast load times. It’s most common to see these mobile pages exist for a lot of different hardware factors. Two of the most common considerations for a dedicated landing page are device size and OS.

Often, companies will design landing pages optimized for apple or android specific software. The best way to ensure this is to follow the developers’ most common practices for programming. By following android guidelines or apples, your website runs optimally on that platform, increasing your users’ engagement. Similarly, size-specific landing pages will ensure your text blocks and media are easy to process. Programming your responsive site can be intimidating, but using a predesigned responsive theme can be an excellent entry-level option.

Responsive Themes


In web design, professionals and hobbyists often turn to themes for their web designs. Themes and web designing software can take care of highly complex back-end work for you with ease. Modern web design applications like WordPress will have responsive features built right in! If everything we have talked about so far seems too complicated, a preset theme could be the option for you. in the past, we have talked about how easy WordPress is to use; And the responsive templates are no different.

responsive design

responsive design

Responsive design is incredibly complicated, but the basics of it are now simple to implement. Even small companies are now implementing basic features like mobile websites. People want to access their content in their way, and your company should be ready for that. Responsive design makes it easier for your customers to engage, so implementing at minimum a responsive theme is vital for your online health.

Responsive Design


This blog did a deep dive into responsive marketing’s essentials and how you can make a responsive website. To start, we gave you good reasons to look into web designs that meet your customers halfway. And we covered topics like dynamic changes and mobile landing pages. We finished up by talking about some ways people can access responsive programming at the entry-level. Kallen Media can help if you’re looking for a web development company to help you through the transition. Reach out for a quote and make sure to mention our responsive design.

Effective Healthcare Marketing 7 Tips for 2021

We are currently seeing a digital transformation in the healthcare industry. Providers are investing in healthcare software development, and patients are starting to expect care backed by digital solutions. While this trend was already well underway at the beginning of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the process. With everything changing so fast, effective healthcare marketing is more important than ever. Today we’re going to bring you seven tips on how you can maximize your practices’ exposure. 

With the rise of online health platforms and telehealth tools, healthcare businesses need to adapt their marketing strategies. Check out the following tips to develop a successful healthcare marketing strategy in 2021.

Transparency and Communication 

effective healthcare marketing

Consumers have certain expectations when they interact with or buy from a business online. They want information about the product or service they are buying, easy communication, and resources to help with decision-making. When healthcare providers move online, they need to do their best to meet these expectations. Make it easy for customers to message you and try to respond in a timely way. Provide clear information about the services you provide and offer information about the different available options.

Telehealth is Growing


Telehealth options have been around for a while, but adoption rates grew considerably during the pandemic. Healthcare businesses should not expect this to change. People have seen how telehealth can meet some of their needs, and many will want to stick with it. As a result, healthcare businesses should look to integrate telehealth with their services. Whether it is developing your own app or using an existing platform, healthcare providers need to develop a strategy for offering telehealth services.

Offer a Consistent Experience


Patients now visit your website, they find you in an app, and they might interact with your social media accounts. With so many contact points, healthcare businesses need to aim for a consistent experience across all channels. Beyond developing branding and messaging that can be used across all channels to deliver a consistent experience no matter where your customers find you. Just like in the nonprofit sector, consistent experiences are key to building a long-term relationship. If you can guarantee the trust of your clientele, effective healthcare marketing is a free bonus. 

Focus on Search


The days of finding a healthcare service in the phonebook are long gone. Modern consumers find service providers by searching online. If patients can’t find your website in search, you will lose a lot of business. This means that healthcare businesses will need to invest a portion of the marketing budget in search engine optimization (SEO). With a good SEO strategy, you can increase visibility in search engines and make it easier for customers to find your website. 

Go Where the Patients Are


Beyond your website, you need to go to the platforms your patients use. This means building a presence on social media. Find the sites your patients use the most and open an account. Social media provides valuable marketing opportunities and can also offer a key communications channel for connecting with new customers.

effective healthcare marketing

Simple Messaging


Healthcare businesses now have more ways to reach patients than they ever did in the past. While this does offer more opportunities to communicate, you need to make sure the messaging lands. One key to being effective online is to keep the messaging simple. Your patients may not understand the jargon that is familiar to you and your colleagues. Try to communicate your messaging in plain English and connect with consumers in a friendly and personal way.

Be Aware of Reviews


With everything being online, you need to be aware of patient reviews posted on different platforms. Some patients are going to post reviews, and many will use this information when making a decision. Do your best to encourage patients to leave positive reviews and develop a strategy for effectively replying to negative reviews without being confrontational.

Top SEO Trends to Know About This Year

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a field that just doesn’t stop changing. When was the last time you heard Google’s algorithm change? Probably a few weeks or months before, right? But it’s understandable since Google has to direct its users to the most relevant pages possible.

But your story is different. You want to ensure that you don’t lag behind so your website can keep topping the SERPs regardless of the many changes Google’s algorithm goes through. If you’re an SEO specialist, you’ve got to read on some trends that will shape how SEO is done this year.

Yes, staying abreast of Google trends 24/7 isn’t easy. Therefore, we’ve outlined some key trends that’ll help you build your SEO strategy this year. Read on to find about them!

Google is still looking for original content

The role that content plays in ranking and SEO is tremendous—authentic content isn’t just crucial for branding, but for businesses as well. In simple words, original content is something unique, something that hasn’t been published yet.

If you want to create unique content, use materials like company milestones, customer testimonials, experiments, case studies, and a lot more. This wouldn’t just make your content authentic – something that Google adores, but will also build trust.

a digital marketing agency offering local SEO services in Phoenix

Artificial intelligence (AI) is coming into the equation

Developed by Google in 2018, BERT or Bidirectional Encoder Representations Transformers is a technique based on a neural network for pre-training of natural language processing (NLP). Simply put, it can assist Google in deciphering the words’ context in a search query.

In addition, it’s reported that around 37% of companies use AI. Since the AI industry is set to hit the $118 billion mark by 2025, the impact that the technology can have on SEO isn’t surprising.

If AI begins to power your business, you won’t just be able to augment your keyword search, but you’ll also optimize every digital platform, maximize link-building opportunities, and create more powerful content.

Voice search is becoming prevalent

“Google, where is the nearest McDonald’s?”

In 2017, there were 33 million voice searches. During March 2019, voice searches contributed to 20% of queries. With voice searches becoming more popular, more people will start typing search queries the way they speak.

What does this mean? Very specific, long-tail keywords will become very important. Currently, users are looking for an accurate answer, and to ensure this happens, they’ll ask a very specific question.

So, if a user in the consideration phase searches for a long-tail keyword, chances are, they’d convert. So, don’t forget to optimize your website for voice searches!

Turn to Kallen Media’s SEO services in Phoenix for an undeniable competitive edge

Kallen Media’s local SEO services in Phoenix stand apart by treating SEO as an influential marketing channel in its own right. Our process-driven, rigorous approach to SEO isn’t just putting our clients at an ‘unfair’ advantage but is leading the marketing industry like no other.

Contact us now for more information!

Web Design: a Basic Guide For Businesses

When it comes to web design, every designer has a different plan. Yes, there’s no standard checklist.

But it doesn’t matter what’s part of the plan as long as the website includes some basic elements.

From clear calls to action (CTAs) and search functionality to great images and plenty of whitespaces, certain elements lead to an excellent web design. (more…)

Will Content Marketing Overtake Advertising?

In essence, content marketing is about creating original, informative, and helpful content to introduce new leads to your brand. But you also are convincing people that you’re trustworthy. In contrast, you pay someone to do the advertising, and the ad is posted on a platform you don’t have ownership of. (more…)

Branding – Things You Should Know

When starting a business branding is essential. (more…)

Marketing Strategies For Non-Profits

Non-profit organizations are often strapped for cash and have limited marketing budgets, if any. Join Kallen media and learn all about marketing strategies for non-profits that we use every day! Here are some strategies non-profits can implement to cut through the noise and showcase their cause: (more…)

Digital Marketing Tools: Our Guide to Easier Advertising

In the world of online marketing, a marketing professional needs to be on top of a lot of moving parts to do their job. Consequently, digital marketing pros will find creative ways to manage their workload. This blog is all about how marketing agencies tackle problems like SEO, niche targeting, and even more. Welcome to the Kallen Media run down on digital marketing tools! 

First, we will give you a rundown on some of the popular web development tools we’re using to build brand image and develop e-commerce. But our work doesn’t end there; we will also tell you about some of the programs we use to drive traffic to websites. Lastly, we will let you in on how corporations make their social media headache-free. Because digital marketing is all online, the most accessible place to start is the tools we use to get businesses on the web.

Web Development Tools


Web development is a central focus for digital marketing. A company website isn’t just a storefront but also a living billboard for your brand. A well-made website with high-quality form and function can woo potential customers and instill confidence in your niche. The tools developers use to create sites are called APIs or content management programs. With a well-designed API, you can design a website that does anything you can imagine. Digital marketers use many different APIs, but here at Kallen Media, we trust WordPress the most.


WordPress is one of the easiest to use web development programs around. WordPress stands out for businesses on a budget with free use templates and features that reduce entry barriers like HTML knowledge. Because of all of this, WordPress is one of the most popular tools on the market! If you’re interested in WordPress, you can read our blogs that cover functions like this blog on a visual story plugin. Once you have a web presence, you will need other digital marketing tools to make sure it’s popular!

SEO and Content Creation


Everyone knows content creation and SEO management are vital to running a thriving website. But how exactly do people manage these tasks? The short answer is data analytics. If a company can collect and utilize their relevant web data, they can understand the patterns that bring people to their websites. Especially during the pandemic, data analytics is an important measure of how well you’re performing. Parsing through data and reacting to it is one of the best ways to improve your search engine rankings, making it easier to create content. At Kallen Media, we use an array of high-end big data resources, but one of the more accessible ones is SEMrush.

SEMrush is a data analytics tool designed specifically for digital marketing. The site can audit webpages to tell you where improvements can be made and give other tips for SEO tweaks to make your site’s rank soar. The website also has sections dedicated to content creation. SEMrush can inform you about relevant blog topics, a niche’s search patterns, and much more. With SEMrush, you can create content that will work directly toward your goals and monitor their progress. Data analytics is also valuable for social media, where planning and niche targeting are critical.

Social Media Management


Engaging with people on social media can be tricky. Additionally, the pressure of media engagement can make corporate SMM a daunting task. But with a plan and the right toolset, running a social media brand only requires time and dedication. A goal is critical because it will keep you on track to establishing a trusted brand. One essential tool for social media management is a content scheduler. 


Tools like Hootsuite and others allow you to collect all of your profiles and manage them from one place. They will also let you create better plans by scheduling content instead of randomly posting. Being able to see the entirety of your social media presence in one place will save you time and impact your decisions. Hootsuite also offers premium options to provide you with even more data analytics!

Digital Marketing Tools


Digital marketing is an ever-growing field where people have to keep up with fast-moving tech trends. And these marketing professionals need to maintain their effectiveness to compete. That’s why people use tools like data analytics and SEO to ensure their marketing plan stands out. Today we taught you about digital marketing tools that we use every day. Programs like SEMrush and WordPress directly affect our web content and quality of life tools like Hootsuite. 

But even if you have access to the best tools, you’ll need to practice and use them to become comfortable working with them. And not everyone has time to learn all of the things you need to for effective marketing. This learning curve is why Digital marketing agencies collect these tools and retain them for you. If you’re struggling with marketing online and want help, contact Kallen media today to quote our digital marketing services.

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